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  • Wednesday June 27th 2001
    Quick One 2:50 am-
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    I picked up the Dogma Special Edition today and I got to say it’s pretty awesome. Well pretty awesome if you dig the Kevin Smith flicks. At Best Buy you can get it for 19.99. For a two disk set I think that’s a great price. You got one disk with the movie (wide screen format) with two different commentaries. The one is cast and crew goofing off basically, the other has Kevin Smith and others telling more about the technical aspect. The second disk has 100 minutes of cut footage and also outtakes. There is also a butt load of other stuff that I haven’t watched yet. So grab it if you dig the New Jersey flicks.

    Views: 663
    Tomorrow 10:00 pm-
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    As some kind of advanced warning I will say tomorrow this page will have my final thoughts on a subject that has been a thorn in my paw. Something my friends know about and if you have become a frequent reader. This as I said will wash my hands clean of the whole mess. Another warning to you, tomorrow’s post is just a tad bit long winded. So you have received all of the warnings your going to get. For those of you who read this site for it’s real world drama I can say your going to get your fill.

    Views: 785
    June 2001
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