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  • Monday June 19th 2006
    Flying Horse 1:10 am-
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    This was to funny to not post about. I was doing the first set of Champion Quests for my cleric. I got to the second part where flying demons were supposed to attack and saw this:

    One Two

    I’m sure the horse was a bug. It was just one of those things that made me stop playing for a second and stare in glee. And believe me that doesn’t happen often in Dark Age of Camelot anymore.

    Views: 1,016
    Friday June 16th 2006
    Camelot Still 11:01 am-
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    I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot still. So last time I wrote about DAoC I was a dirty Mid like Gawain. Well I’ve jumped ship and deleted my two mids. I’m now an Alb again:

    Turkus Shakespeare Yurkus Shakespeare

    Which was something I didn’t want to do. Not really at least. Believe or not I miss my dirty mids. But as much as I hate starting over there is no way I’m deleting again to go back to the Mid side of Lamorak. I still miss my horse.

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    Sunday March 5th 2006
    Camelot Again 5:52 pm-
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    I’m sorta playing Dark Age of Camelot again. I just keep coming back to it. It’s Come Back to Camelot time again. Not like me to turn down something free. So it’s the life of a mid for me this time out:

    Turkus Yurkus

    Which was something I didn’t want to do. I associate mids as those nasty bogey men under the bed in a child’s feverish imagination. I guess getting your ass handed to you as much as it seemed like we did on Bors you just start to hate those rat bastards. And it’s no coincidence that Gawain is playing it too. In fact I blame it all on him. Stealing me away from my horse.

    Views: 1,207
    Tuesday October 25th 2005
    Champion Quest Shots 12:59 am-
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    More Dark Age of Camelot. These screens are from a Chapter 3 Circle of Five raid I attended on Sunday night:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    I’m really enjoying the game this time back. I’m a big fan of the horse, as I’ve said a number of times. I made Champion Level 1 during the raid the above screenshots are from. I’m .8 away from dinging Champion Level 2. At level 2 I’ll be able to use saddle bags. Which for some reason is a real turn on. In a way that owning a house was a turn off for me. The idea with the house is that I could echo real life habits and throw shit all over the floor if I want. Kinda pissed me off when I found I had to buy a fucking chest.

    When I get my vacation time I just may play DAoC for 2 weeks straight. Of course by the time I get vacation who knows if I’ll still be enjoying the game as I am now. I would like to be able to get a Master Level or two as well. Seems fitting since my activity as of late in the game. As it is I’m still Master Level-less and I still have no artifacts. I have this Harpy Cloak item still from one of the last times I started playing again. And I have the 3 scrolls for another artifact. So two weeks of playing Camelot could be very productive.

    Views: 1,234
    Saturday October 22nd 2005
    More DAoC Stuff 11:39 pm-
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    Bored yet with all this game talk? So I finally beat that one asshole and got my Champion Weapon. I also finished up the Epic Quests for armor. Overall this was my most productive session of Dark Age of Camelot since I started playing the game. Below are shots of the two different versions of the merc champion weapon and the before and after shots of my old/epic armor.

    Dextera Blade Laevus Blade
    Old Armor New Armor

    Once again I’ll say I’m having quite a bit of fun playing Camelot again. Not sure I want to quit just yet. I still want to get a Champion Level or two.

    Views: 1,516
    Monday October 17th 2005
    Fun Questing 11:59 pm-
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    Questing in Dark Age of Camelot has never been something I enjoyed. Which in comparison questing was one of the features that World of Warcraft got right. Now comes the newest expansion pack for Camelot called Darkness Rising and something surprising has happened. I find myself actually enjoying the quests that this expansion offers. So far doing the Champion Quests have been nothing but fun.

    I’ve managed to solo my way right up to this nasty bastard below in these two screenshots:

    One Two

    Geryon just doesn’t want to go down. I need to find a good group and get past this guy so I can continue to enjoy this game. That and I want to get at least two Champion levels before the enthusiasm wears off so I can get some saddle bags for my horse. It just would make the horse experience that more complete if I had saddle bags.

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    Tuesday October 11th 2005
    Darkness Rising 3:47 pm-
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    I download the 817mb installer, I patch, I crash, I downgrade my video drivers, I install old drivers, I spend 1 plat on my horse, and finally I crash again. At least they are taking the servers down. So far it’s been a hoot.

    One Two

    I’m just pretty stoked that I got a horse to be honest.

    Views: 896
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