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  • Big Fan

    Here is a chat transcript from May first and second. This is from a conversation with an AIM user that is a big fan. The idea I have a big fan is a little odd. I just find it strange. But it’s cool. I have taken the liberty of changing the name of the person involved. I hope no offense is taken. This is just something I wanted to share with the rest of you. The idea being that I will get more participation from my silent audience.

    Big Fan: hey man
    Turk: hey.
    Turk: who is this?
    Big Fan: i checked out your website
    Turk: Thanks.
    Big Fan: im a big fan:-D
    Turk: Really? That’s cool.
    Big Fan: yep yup
    Turk: Why? I wonder why people read it.
    Big Fan: cuz its interesting
    Turk: You from my neck of the woods?
    Big Fan: i don’t know
    Big Fan: where’s that
    Turk: State line of Il and Wis.
    Big Fan: nope
    Big Fan: Florida
    Turk: Neat.
    Turk: Wow. Work in hotels?
    Big Fan: no
    Big Fan: i wait tables
    Turk: Close enough.
    Big Fan: ever heard of Phillips
    Turk: No.
    Big Fan: nm
    Big Fan: hi
    Big Fan: i know your there
    Turk: hi
    Big Fan: what are u doing
    Turk: Just checked someone in.
    Big Fan: to what
    Turk: The hotel.
    Big Fan: what hotel
    Turk: The hotel I work at. I’m at work.
    Big Fan: which hotel
    Turk: Like brand?
    Big Fan: yea
    Turk: Holiday Inn.
    Big Fan: which Holiday Inn
    Turk: South Beloit
    Big Fan: where is this hotel
    Big Fan: i meant where is South Beloit
    Turk: In South Beloit, Il. South Beloit is on the stateline right in the middle of il/wi.
    Big Fan: cool
    Turk: Not really. Middle of no where.
    Big Fan: do you have a holiday inn directory with you or near you
    Turk: yeah.
    Big Fan: will you check something for me
    Turk: What?
    Big Fan: go to the state of virginia
    Turk: ok
    Big Fan: and see if there is a holiday inn express in south boston virginia
    Turk: yeah
    Big Fan: my roommate’s dad owns that one
    Turk: really.
    Big Fan: yup
    Big Fan: his son works at the marriot courtyard up here in fairfax
    Turk: Cool.
    Big Fan: his family is into the hotel owning business
    Big Fan: he is a patel
    Turk: Well if that’s his thing cool.
    Turk: cool.
    Turk: oops.
    Big Fan: i myself own a casino
    Big Fan: in Atlantic City
    Turk: Really?
    Big Fan: its kinda small
    Turk: How old are you?
    Big Fan: but its gets the bills paid
    Big Fan: 29
    Turk: And you wait tables in florida?
    Big Fan: yea
    Big Fan: i don’t like to show off what i have
    Turk: Sure, me also.
    Big Fan: when your in my situation you’d know
    Big Fan: you get bored with there’s nothing for you to do
    Big Fan: so me i like to be down at the beach
    Big Fan: do you have a directory of Atlantic City
    Big Fan: look up Dream Castle
    Big Fan: i know the people who own the Taj Mahal
    Big Fan: i met them at the AAHOA convention
    Big Fan: its an indian hotel organization
    Big Fan: so were really close
    Big Fan: is your hotel booked?
    Turk: Nope.
    Big Fan: how many rooms are vacant
    Big Fan: what’s your occupancy rate per year?
    Turk: 78 out of 172 rooms rented. Occ per year I haven’t a clue.
    Big Fan: is your holiday inn an award winning hotel
    Turk: No. And it’s not my hotel I’m just a peon.
    Big Fan: lol
    Big Fan: how old are you
    Turk: same as you. 29.
    Big Fan: cool
    Big Fan: are you interested in the hospitality industry
    Big Fan: like would like to someday own and operate a hotel
    Turk: Not a chance.
    Big Fan: why not
    Big Fan: its easy
    Big Fan: find a location with a lot of demand for hotels
    Turk: Because I don’t like the Hospitality biz. Easy it may be but it’s not for me.
    Big Fan: then find yourself some cheap labor
    Big Fan: what are you interested in
    Turk: The internet and computers. And a dab of art.
    Big Fan: is that area corporate business or vacation business
    Turk: A little of both.
    Big Fan: mines all vacation business
    Big Fan: LOTS of tourists
    Big Fan: some of ’em are so such idiots
    Turk: Yeah guests are like that sometimes.
    Big Fan: sometimes?!?
    Big Fan: if one little thing goes wrong they pout like 5 year olds
    Turk: Yeah, well the guests are always right.
    Big Fan: but Mr. Hotel Manager my bed is tucked in a little too tight
    Big Fan: yea, but they don’t have to act like it all the time
    Turk: They just want what they think they deserve.
    Big Fan: what they deserve is my foot in their ass
    Turk: Sometimes. Sometimes no. It depends on the guest. Sometimes killing them with kindness is a lot more fun.
    Big Fan: haha
    Big Fan: you mean like annoying the hell of ’em
    Big Fan: or talking in an annoying tone
    Turk: yeah.
    Big Fan: what are you doing
    Turk: Surfing.
    Turk: You?
    Big Fan: papers
    Big Fan: did you finish the audit
    Turk: what kind of papers?
    Turk: Not yet.
    Big Fan: payroll, deposit, invoice, etc.
    Big Fan: what time is it over there
    Turk: 1:44am
    Big Fan: working late?
    Turk: ten to eight.
    Big Fan: the night shift, aye

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