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  • Wednesday September 1st 1999
    Sim Shatner 11:00 am-
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    I like Star Trek. I dislike William Shatner. The William Shatner Acting Simulator is a hoot. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh. You get to make fun of William Shatner, what more could you want?

    Views: 1,126
    Tuesday September 7th 1999
    A Few Things 11:47 pm-
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    On the left you may notice the little logo thing that flashes the NEW Hotel Blues. And right above this post it says Hotel Blues everything but hotels. What does this mean you may ask? Hell I don’t know either. I have been debating for a while a little reworking of the place and this is just the beginning of it. I can’t figure out what kind of look I want to go for. So if anyone wants to contribute ideas to the new look and design of this site drop me a line or talk to me at work or at home.

    Now just because I say “everything but hotels” doesn’t mean I will totally forget the nature of this page. I have been kicking around the idea of doing a memoirs thing of my experience being a bona fide corporate lackey. I have a few things I want to cover, I just have to get my ass in gear.

    That’s it. I have to get ready for work. The quiz thing is over. This is how it ended:

    25% Don’t change a thing.
    0% Do game and movie reviews.
    0% Make it a Starfleet Command website.
    13% Do a ass kissing corporate suck up page.
    0% Who wants your opinion. Close it.
    63% I hate pop up windows!!!

    Thanks to Ericka for agreeing with me about the annoying pop up window. And a sarcastic thanks to Iggy for voting for the ass kiss page.

    Views: 678
    September 1999
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