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  • Monday September 1st 2003
    Sobo News 7:11 am-
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    So it’s high school Football time again, my favorite time of year. My Sobos made the Rockford Register Star, but it’s not good news. The name of the article is Pec rolls over South Beloit. Here is a quote from the article:

    “We have a real young crew,” first-year South Beloit coach Todd Martens said. “They got tested tonight.”

    And thats something to keep in mind. The Sobos have a new coach and a new team. Since Potthoff quit and most of the team graduated last year the Sobos are going to have to fight hard to do what they did last year. And I think that is something they can do, if they have the will and the determination.

    On a side note if you want to go to a page that just has news and opinions about the South Beloit Sobos bookmark this page at my site.

    Views: 1,187
    Tuesday September 2nd 2003
    The GuestBook 11:21 pm-
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    It’s required reading night here at Hotelblues.com, for two reasons. Reason one, I don’t want to have to bring this up again. I’ve made my position on this matter quite apparent. Reason two, This just isn’t something I want to discuss. Be here on the site or in real life. So read all of this stuff first I Feel Your Pain, My Take On Religion, Yee Of Little Faith, and The Consequences Of My Slander and then check out this new GuestBook entry from KoldKadavr who had this to say:

    Nice site… However, much more important realities await thee. Both God and I want you in the Great Beyond. How do you get there? Belief in the Trinity and frequent confession; We know you can make it if you follow our guidelines in this Finite Existence. Sign the Guest Book, too. God Bless You.

    I won’t be plugging this guys site here. And I will not be signing his guestbook. In fact these kinds of people really piss me off. I don’t go to their shitty little websites and fill out their lame signmyguestbook.com guestbooks. I don’t go to total strangers homes/websites and try to preach the shit I believe in. Why? Because it’s rude. At least that’s how I feel about having people try to force their beliefs on me.

    So don’t bother writing back. Don’t bother signing my GuestBook again. From know on I’m going to treat these kinds of people the same way I treat any other religious fanatic. I’m going to keep them from trying to force their views here at this website.

    That’s right I’m waving my big ip banning stick around again. And if your going to spew this kind of shit here, at least try to make it good the first time. Because you’ll only get the one shot.

    It’s a funny story how are friend of god KoldKadavr found Hotelblues.com. First thing is I run your basic stat recording script. It gets info like ip address, where you came from (url wise), and what pages of mine you visited. And when you sign the GuestBook it records your ip as well.

    Now using the ip address from the GuestBook entry I was able to look up that ip in my stat script. I was as shocked as anyone else will be to see how KoldKadavr found my site. Here is what his ip turned up in my stat script:

    A visitor from 0-2pool8-143.nas18.topeka2.ks.us.da.qwest.net ( was logged 4 times,
    starting at 3:20:04 PM on Tuesday, September 2, 2003.
    The initial browser was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN 6.1; MSNbMSFT; MSNmen-us; MSNc11; v5m). This visitor first arrived from search.msn.com Search Terms: girl pussy guestbook
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/old_geocities_guestbook.shtml

    00:00:21 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/old_geocities_guestbook.shtml
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi

    00:00:40 later, arrived without a refering URL,
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi

    00:00:13 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/view.cgi

    Quite the man of god huh?

    Views: 3,826
    Wednesday September 3rd 2003
    Destiny 6:05 am-
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    Here is another “thing you fill out and get a clever something” I saw over at Gawain’s. This one is called What is Your Destiny? My destiny is below:

    What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
    Name Turk
    Color Black
    Birthday 03/27/1972
    Destiny Legendary Hero
    Date when you fulfill your destiny July 26, 2009
    Created with quill18‘s MemeGen!

    Legendary Hero? I can live with that. Point your browser over here to find out your destiny.

    iP c YywgZeI Hba SvlhRHsMwr
    Views: 973
    Spam, God, And You 11:33 pm-
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    So my “friend” KoldKadavr (see this post) gets around. He also sent me an e-mail. One line, very simple message:

    God bless you with discernment, friend. -KK

    It appears that this guy makes signing other peoples guestbooks his hobby. I did a google search using the terms KoldKadavr, guestbook, and theautomann@msn.com. Here is what you get. Thats 262 results using those search terms. Dude has gotten around.

    I did end up going to his site and I signed his guestbook. My entry was brief and I included the stat info from his ip address. Here is what I said (minus the stat info):

    You know it’s funny how you come to my site and you tell me “more important realities await thee. Both God and I want you in the Great Beyond.” Now I’m not a guy who’s in touch with all this god bible stuff. But I find it amusing how you found my site. Interesting search terms there buddy. If people like you are the ones getting in to heaven, then I’ll be more than happy to take my chances on burning in hell. Next time I suggest you learn more about how things on the internet work before you go around preaching to others.

    It’s funny how my entry is gone now. I guess the guy doesn’t want his browsing habits to be known. I of course don’t blame him. This guy is just like the Preacher, he doesn’t like people to have their own opinions. A person should be prepared to back up their beliefs. But these kind of closed minded people won’t have any of that. This guy and his ilk give the people who believe in god and yet still respect other peoples beliefs a bad name.

    All of this doesn’t really bother me that much. I just wish if the guy is going to continue to spam guestbooks he makes his message a little different each time. I’ve looked at these entries he’s made at these other peoples site’s. They are all the same. Cut and paste is all the guy is doing. And despite what he thinks all he is doing is spamming people. Albeit spam in guestbook form. There ought to be a law against this kind of shit. What can you do?

    Vp KZ W
    Views: 995
    Thursday September 4th 2003
    HW2 Demo 3:27 am-
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    Homeworld 2 went gold not to long ago. It’s the sequel to one of the great games of 1999. It is an innovative real time strategy in space type game that is totally 3d, both in graphics and in the game world. I’m talking space as it’s meant to be. You really have to play it to appreciate it. As always here are some screenshots:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    The demo weighs in at 141mb and it includes one tutorial, two single player missions, and two multiplayer maps, and of course your standard multiplayer options and skirmish’s vs the cpu. Here are the minimum requirements:

    Intel Pentium III 833MHz or AMD Athlon 833MHz
    256 MB RAM
    32 MB OpenGL supported hardware, GeForce or better (with Transform and Lighting), ATI Radeon 7500 or better (with Transform and Lighting).
    Requires DirectX 9.0 and a compatible driver.
    250 MB Hard Drive space, plus space for DirectX 9.0 Drivers, saved games, and Windows SWAP file.
    16X or Faster CD-ROM/DVD drive
    Windows compatible sound card
    Windows compatible keyboard and mouse.
    Required for Multiplayer:
    Broadband (DSL, Cable Modem, or faster) for multiplayer online (internet) game.
    TCP/IP Compliant Network required for Network Play.

    You do need DirectX 9 for the demo to play, so grab it if you don’t have it yet. You can get DirectX 9 right here.

    Views: 878
    Sunday September 7th 2003
    Jedi Academy Shots 11:06 am-
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    So last year there was a game called Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, which if you can’t tell is a game set in the Star Wars universe. It was pretty good and got me my Star Wars Geek fix. Well now a sequel is on the way to stores and a demo is out for it. The game is called Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and it improves on last years game in a few areas.

    The demo weighs in at a 187mb’s and can be downloaded from a number of sites. Head over to this Blue’s News page for a listing of mirrors.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    Graphics more or less are the same as in the last game. You can check out a few screenshots from it here. The biggest addition to the game is how you can tweak your in game character. You can pick different head, torso, and leg models so your guy in game looks sorta unique. You can also choose different saber hilts and whether you use a single saber or duel wielding two sabers. You can also use a double bladed saber if you want to be like Darth Maul.

    Views: 1,017
    Monday September 8th 2003
    Old Friends 8:47 pm-
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    So I heard from an old AoD Buddy (he also founded the guild). A hell of a nice guy who went by Farooq in Dark Age of Camelot. He’s not playing DAoC anymore, he’s playing Star Wars Galaxies now.

    Old Friends 1 Old Friends 2

    It was good hearing from him. He sent along a couple of screenshots showing off his character. It looks and sounds like he’s having a lot of fun running around the Star Wars world that Sony and Lucasarts has created.

    I know I may have had some negative views on SWG, but hearing form Farooq kinda makes me feel like giving it another shot. At the least I may try the one month free trial. I can’t and won’t leave Dark Age of Camelot behind. Not yet, I may say goodbye to Camelot when World of Warcraft comes out. But it will be a while before Blizzard’s mmorpg comes out.

    WBmMelYYjq fSq YFeYriXCfaQcV
    Views: 922
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