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  • Sunday May 16th 2010
    Hacked! 11:09 am-
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    So I closed my World of Warcraft account. Then yesterday my account was hacked. Look at my guy down below in his underwear.

    Both of my high level characters were stripped of all their gear. I’m guessing that the guild bank was emptied. I know they took all my gold. I wonder how this happened. I’m pretty good about securing my computers. I’ve never shared my password with anyone. Overall I’m not really worried about all this. I’m done with WoW for now. The next time I play again I’m sure I’ll have to work a little bit harder to outfit my characters. With any luck Blizzard will be able to recover my stuff.

    Views: 1,287
    Thursday April 8th 2010
    My Death Knight 12:51 am-
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    I used to have to install some roster php script just to be able to take a look at my characters offline. World of Warcraft now does all of that for you. Here is my Death Knight in all of his 3D rendered glory:

    You can click this link to see all kinds of details about him.

    Views: 832
    Saturday April 3rd 2010
    WoW Again 12:45 pm-
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    I’ve been playing WoW again for a few months now. Here is a quick video of me and my nephew Death Knight’s taking out an undead dragon.

    Click To Play
    Click To Play

    Dragon Kill (44.4 MiB, 151 hits)

    This videos uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,008
    Sunday July 26th 2009
    WoW Again 10:19 pm-
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    I’m playing WoW again. Here is a quick video of my Death Knight kicking some ass.

    Click To Play
    Click To Play

    [drain file 62 show]

    This videos uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 928
    Saturday December 20th 2008
    Playing WoW Again 12:51 pm-
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    So while doing some X-Mas shopping I picked up Lich King. I’m weak. I rolled a Death Knight called DarkTurk.

    WoW 2008-12-20 02-28-39-46.jpg

    Pretty cool class so far. You start at level 55 and the class has some cool features. It’s a tank and he can get a pet. Which are some of my favorite things in mmo’s.

    Views: 910
    Friday December 22nd 2006
    The Motivational Speaker 5:13 am-
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    Saw this on Lum’s and was to funny to pass up. This kind of thing is why I’ll never get to the level cap in WoW at least not at my rate of leveling:

    Sedudai The Motivational Speaker

    My favorite (and I’ve added it to my random quotes up top):

    [Guild] [Sedudai]:God I hate people. There is not a bus big enough to run over all of the people I hate.


    Views: 1,143
    Tuesday December 12th 2006
    WoW Again 3:50 am-
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    This post is for my own purposes to track my gaming habits really. As of the 15th my City of Villains account is closed. On a whim I’ve rejoined the ranks of the World of Warcraft. I’ve installed the game again and patched up the newest patch. When I log in on my 30th level human warrior the game renders unknown entities and my character is invisible. Then out of goodness of the games heart WoW drops my internet. It’s so good to be back.

    One Two Three

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