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  • Douches Response

    The worst hotel ever denies Turk’s claim.

    With regard to the statement “she has the same job”. While <Name Removed> performs similar duties as Turk two days per week – she regularly performs those duties on Friday & Saturday when hotel occupancies, the routine workload and responsibility as Manager on Duty are significantly greater. Additionally, <Name Removed> unlike Turk has the availability and regularly performs duties on a number of different shifts.

    Turk regularly works Sun – Thursday 11p-7A
    <Name Removed> regularly works Friday & Saturday 11p-7a and then additional shifts 7a-3p or 3p-11p as business warrants

    <Name Removed>’s ability & availability to work “key shifts” coupled with the increased demands of the Weekend workload warrants the minimal pay differential.

    With regard to <Name Removed>, I’m unclear to the issues being raised. The duties performed by and the experience level of <Name Removed> is clearly superior to Turk. While Turk has performed the night audit for a number of years, <Name Removed>’s accounting background and managerial experience (Former Hotel GM) clearly justify a pay differential.

    The worst hotel ever denies Turk’s allegations that <Name Removed> told him & <Name Removed> Acknowledged she makes more. Both employees deny this conversation took place.

    I additionally question how Turk became aware of the wages in question.

    See the comments attached : from Turk’s (ie: Turk) webpage “Hotelblues.com” Equal Pay Act and Times Up

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