Jack Thompson. This guy is getting way to much press. Honestly I’m sick of it. The best thing we could do is just leave this lunatic alone. Let him spout his bullshit and hope that the mainstream press doesn’t pick this fuck up and run with it. Eventually I can see this guy being my generations Fredric Wertham. Thompson is the same kind of beast as Wertham was. All Jack needs is a Senate Subcommittee or two to vomit his spiel at and they would burn games just like they did comic books (echoing in my mind that great mentality of the Nazi’s).
The more I read about Thompson the more I think the guy may be half right. I say this because the more I read about this lawyer scum bag the more I wish for bad things to come to him. Not that I personally would kill Jack Thompson. That would be wrong. Which if you listen to him the fact I play all of these violent video games I should want to kill Jack Thompson with my bare hands in cold blood. So I’m an anomaly then. But I would like Jack to become a martyr for his cause. I would laugh quite heartily if I was to read that Jack Thompson was brutally murdered.
Which leads me to my idea for a video game. Not at all that different from Jack’s A Modest Video Game Proposal, except I don’t want to make claims about donating money I don’t have. It’s very simple and the title is the title of this item your reading. Which of course comes from Bill Hick’s bit “Let’s Hunt and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus”:
I think it’s fairly self-explanatory. Each week we let the Hounds of Hell loose and chase the jar-head, no talent, cracker-asshole all over the globe till I finally catch that fruity little ponytail of his, pull him to his chippendaleÃs knees, put a shotgun in his mouth and “pow”.
Of course the potential is far more than just a video game alone. I think it would make a great reality tv show as well. It would be the first reality tv show I would watch.
In closing I will leave you with the very wise words of Mike Krahulik:
I think we can all agree that young kids should not play violent video games. I think we can also agree that they should not watch violent movies or read pornographic magazines. That’s a job for parents not Jack Thompson.
Which I think is something all who support Thompson should read.