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  • Friday September 1st 2006
    New Auditor Update 2 2:12 am-
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    Not so long ago I wrote about the new night auditor. This is what I had decided was wrong with this new higher paid auditor:

    I literally laughed out loud when it dawned on me what she had done. The new night auditor is fucking stupid. So either she doesn’t now how to balance credit cards or the new night auditor can not read or do basic math.

    Which as it turns out this was harsh of me. I overlooked human frailty. What follows is another be a night auditor at home example. These below are the Amex and Mastercards that the new night auditor “balanced” (and again these open in a new window):

    Amex Cards Mastercards

    Here is the Amex Card Report. And here are the Auditor Mastercard Reports and the Desk Clerk Mastercards Reports (both are needed to balance the Mastercards). With this information it’s very easy to see that what the new night auditor is doing is getting the numbers wrong. 64.00 that should be 64.90 and 109.36 that should be 108.36. It was clear what the problem was:

    Magna-Page 2X

    It’s not that the lady can’t read or do simple math. It’s that she is blind as a bat. Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduce the Bausch & Lomb Magna-Page 2X:

    8-1/4″x10-3/4″, Clear Acrylic Sheet provides instant magnification of an entire page. Made of high-quality clear acrylic. Specially designed fresnel lenses are molded (rather than hot stamped) of optical grade acrylic to provide optimum image quality.

    So not stupid. Just a case of bad eyesight. Bad eyes equal more pay at the hotel. I’ll start sitting closer to the tv from now on and hope it will get me a raise when I come in with my very own Magna-Page.

    Views: 2,054
    Prey 2:48 am-
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    I finally got around to buying Prey. I really liked the demo and had been meaning to pick it up once it was in stores. I just never found the time. Here are some screen shots:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    The whole portal thing maybe a huge gimmick, but combined with the other gimmick of wall walking. I think these two things make Prey unique enough. Plus it’s another game using the Doom 3 Engine that plays great on my system. Which is always nice. I’m easy that way.

    Views: 1,606
    Sunday September 3rd 2006
    RiffTrax 5:23 pm-
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    Do you miss having MST3K on tv? I know I do. Want to know the next best thing? Rifftrax. This is how they describe themselves:

    An innovative new site featuring the hilarious DVD commentaries of Michael J. Nelson, head writer and star of the legendary Mystery Science Theater 3000!

    For some that will be enough. Now do you think that Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is the worst of the Star Trek Movies? Well take Mike Nelson and add Kevin “Tom Servo” Murphy and you have one of the funniest movies ever. While listening to this during one scene I literally blasted pop out of my mouth as I took a sip while these guys delivered their jokes.

    The only downside is that for the 1.99-2.99 you get a mp3. You have to sync it up with the dvd. Either by watching the movie your computer and running the mp3 in whatever media player of your choice. They give you advance warning when to pause their rifftrax and when to start it again with the movie so it does sync up correctly. The only other option I guess would be to burn it on multiple cd’s. Not the easiest of solutions I think.

    So if you love MST3K and Hate Star Trek V this is a must have. For 2.99 it is a steal. Just make sure your not drinking any beverages while watching this because there is danger you will spit pop everywhere as laughter blasts out of you.

    Views: 1,270
    Monday September 4th 2006
    On Vacation 4:30 pm-
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    Vacation time again. Today is the official start of it. Was off yesterday as well. Won’t be back until the 17th of this month. Plan to play some City of Villains with Gawain. Just like last year.

    Views: 1,274
    Thursday September 7th 2006
    CoV Mayhem Video 9:06 pm-
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    I made a little video of the City of Villains Mayhem Mission I did earlier today. Did I mention I’m playing CoV again? Anyway the whole mayhem thing was introduced with the Issue 7 patch.

    CoV Mayhem Video
    Click To Play

    You get fifteen minutes at the start of the mission to do you dastardly deed. You can destroy cars and other items in the city to add to your timer. Resisting arrest also adds to the mission timer. It was a damn lot of fun and I’m looking forward to trying it again.

    [drain file 2 show]

    This video uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,528
    Tuesday September 12th 2006
    The Hotel Owners 2:45 pm-
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    Let’s take a look at the owners of the hotel I work for. Just some links for you folks to wet your whistle on some new info that has come to my attention. Below are the links:

    And for those really interested in finding out about the owners of the hotel I work for be sure to check out this pdf found at the PACER site:

    [drain file 29 show]

    And for those who wonder about the usage of this document please read:

    What are the acceptable uses of the data obtained from the PACER system?
    The PACER system provides electronic access to case information from federal courts across the United States. The information gathered from the PACER system is a matter of public record and may be reproduced without permission. However, the PACER customer assumes all responsibility for consequences that arise from use of the data.

    What a great vacation.

    Views: 2,644
    Wednesday September 13th 2006
    TT’s Memoirs 1:39 pm-
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    Interested in another persons take on the goings on at the hotel I work at? Want to an inside look directly on how the place is managed? Then ladies and gentlemen I present to you the first four parts of TT’s account of her less than two weeks working at that hotel:

    And just to wet your whistle to get you to click those links here is an excerpt from day one describing the Accounting Manager? that trains her:

    She deletes phone messages from creditors, she shreds mail, she throws important documents relating to state and federal payroll taxes? in a file she calls stuff I don’t handle?. She is an angry employee? who hides it and has been operating like this for a long time. I help her open the mail and we get a notice that the power is going to be shut off in 2 days. Now this to me is funny. I open more mail, we bounced some checks I see, we are having our phones disconnected, we owe back taxes, shit is getting deeper. Didn’t the City give us $400,000 3 years ago? She takes the big stack of bills that came in the mail and puts them on top of a pile on top of a filing cabinet. What are you going to do with them? I ask. Nothing, she says.

    With any luck we I’ll be able to put the rest of this when she gets it to me.

    Views: 1,291
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