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  • Sunday February 3rd 2002
    This And That 3:59 am-
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    Wow so it’s February now. That means March is right around the corner. February is special of course because the Izer’s first child arrived on the twelfth of this month. The kid is special to me for lots of reasons. Most importantly is the fact I got to be there for Troy. Secondly it gave me something to do during that period of time I was jobless.

    Other than that not much has been going on. The hotel’s death knell continues. The computer is on the fritz, so my job is made easier. I’m doing about a half hour of work during a nine hour shift. Getting paid to do nothing is cool.

    Here is a cool link I found that I was going to put up a few days ago. It’s a picture to html/ascii generator. The results are very neat in a geek sort of way.

    Views: 775
    Monday February 4th 2002
    Jerked Off 3:27 am-
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    I love getting jerked off. Not to many people know that about me. And let me say hello to all my corporate fucks who are trolling the site. Hi you corporate fucks! Now were was I? That’s right I was getting jerked off.

    And when I say I got jerked off I’m not talking about what some of you may be thinking. This is a family oriented site you sick bastards. What I’m talking about is being told to do something that will have no effect. And the fact that the people who tell you to do it know in advance it will have no effect. That’s getting jerked off.

    This all relates to the computer problem at the hotel. You see the old Unix based system we have thinks it’s still February 1st. Thank god I didn’t work when it happened. Because I know how the corporate types think. Someone has to be held accountable for this. Someone has to be disciplined or fired because of this.

    I was told to call support. Now I have heard that support ain’t supporting us no more. I called and was told what I expected. Sorry we can’t help you. Which brings me back to getting jerked off. What can you do?

    Views: 1,335
    Geek Alert! 5:59 am-
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    You come to my site. Some of you come back again and again. But have you ever said to yourself “I wish I could view Hotelblues.com on my cell phone/pda!”

    Well now you can. If you have a pda or cell phone that supports wml 1.1 you can go here to view my site on those gizmos. The link is also over on the left in the contents menu.

    Views: 686
    What To Do? 8:15 am-
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    So I mentioned the trolls a few posts ago. I wanted to put in writing some of my tenets. Big word that one, did I lose anyone? Here are my rules:

    Rule One No names are mentioned. No titles are mentioned if names are dropped. I never drop names of people I’m refering to, that they may take offense to.

    Rule Two No brand names are mentioned. That makes it to easy to nail down where this site is from. Sure I mention names when It’s quotes from the Daily News.

    Rule Three No geographic locations are referred to. Sure I talk about places like the Safe House in Milwaukee and Lan Planet in Rockford. But that makes a wide search radius.

    Here is the part were I mention free speech and opinion. Remember what country your in. And yeah in return I know the words libel and slander. There’s no need to mention the other dirty word. Lawyers. But you have to remember I got fired before for this site. I’ve talked to lawyers. I’ve talked to the ACLU even. So that’s that. That bridge will be burnt when I come to it.

    I want out of the hotel biz. I do. I like the job. But the people are not the same. The atmosphere has changed. The phrase “there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark” comes to mind. So what do you do? Hire me. You hire me as your full time web site man and I leave you alone. I like this web stuff. I’ve even got fairly good at it for no training.

    My first gig (other than this site) is coming up. I’m doing the local libraries site in a few weeks. I’m jazzed about that. I’d love to make this hobby a paying job.

    Well I’m out of steam. The Hotelblues Manifesto: The Short Form. Heh. Comment people. I want to hear what you think.

    Views: 903
    Wednesday February 6th 2002
    Ominous Message 3:00 am-
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    Heck here’s something I wasn’t expecting. A message in the comments section of the bit I wrote called What To Do? Here is what “Deep Throat” had to tell me:

    Subject:Watch Out!
    I read your site. I think what you say is interesting. I have read enough to know you like the X-Files. Hence my name. I’ve registered with your comment system.

    I’m here to tell you to watch out. I’m with the company that is managing your hotel. And “they” don’t like it. So consider this a warning. You seem to be a smart guy. Find a new job. Before you become unemployed again or worse.

    And I know how to use spell check. I saw that you took down the article you wrote about the one dumb manager at the hotel. Take this any way you want. I’m sure you will flame me. Go ahead and cut your own throat.

    I’m from Texas and am neither a steer or a queer.

    Part of me thinks this is just some asshole trying to get me going. Part of me thinks that maybe, just maybe this is someone who is with the people managing the hotel.

    But this doesn’t scare me. If it is someone from the people managing the hotel that’s fine. It just shows that maybe these management types don’t like their employees to have a mind of their own. And god forbid that maybe one of the peons are smart. Maybe smarter than the so called managers.

    I’m not going to flame you. Fuck I could care less who reads this shit I write. I don’t think all the people from Texas are steers and queers. Most of them. Heh. When is your pathetic site going to be back up? What a beautiful site it was. I miss it.

    Views: 1,599
    Thursday February 7th 2002
    Playing Games 1:06 am-
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    Well I’m at Lan Planet again. I hadn’t been here in a while and I wanted to play Command And Conquer Renegade. It’s a fps set in the C&C world. It’s supposed to be a blast. Alas the game isn’t working. So I have to wait. It will be out by the end of the month from what I hear.

    Me and my cousin Tim are here goofing off. I just can’t get into it. I enjoy playing on my pc more. Maybe we will go and get a beer.

    Views: 1,096
    The GuestBook 8:16 pm-
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    Well I’ve got a smile on my face from the latest GuestBook entry:

    Name: SADMAN
    Date: February 07, 2002
    Time: 10:27 AM


    I think I don’t need to say anything else.

    Views: 890
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