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  • Saturday May 2nd 1998
    Wanting To Get Fired-Part Three 3:00 am-
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    Well I was written up for the shit I described on April 25th. The worthless piece of shit, the front Desk Manager, couldn’t even give it to me in person. No he had it on my timecard waiting for me. I was amazed that they wrote me up for it. I still can’t believe it.

    Part Three

    So I figured I would talk to the Assistant General Manager and use logic to argue my side. Fuck that. Logic isn’t something you can use on these lobotomized excrement ridden fools. She was quite to the point that I am to be at the desk at all times. Doesn’t matter if I have nothing to do. Or if the first shift is there. I tried to make my defense as honest and truthful as I could without out right lying.

    On a good note Menard$ has called and offered me a job. I told them that I had gave my two week notice. But, I’m not sure I can leave. I afraid of the change. After six years of this hotel I don’t know anything else. The longer I wait is just less of a notice I give the old HI. Will see.

    On another note, I would like to add the Banquet Bartending Manager to the list of non-excrement Managers. He is a hell of a nice guy. One of a few at the hotel.

    Views: 800
    Tuesday May 5th 1998
    New Helper 3:00 am-
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    Hello, many of you readers know me as your General Manager. But now I will be helping out on the website. Turk (who won’t reveal his real name) was nice enough to invite me to help. I have my own page Letter From the G M that you should check out. My page will be updated every month. I will also answer any mail that you fine people will send to me on my page. So send mail to me at gman1701.

    Turk wanted me to inform everyone that He received a raise on May 3. He felt it was funny that he had been written up only days before that. But I assured him that’s just how we Managers do things. So he’s gone from 6.90 to 7.50. See we Managers can be quite nice. Turk also wanted me to mention to you my employees that he also put up a color special of his My Life section. It has many amusing pictures. I even know Troy who is in many pictures on this site. Troy if you read this you should give me a call and we could go golfing. Troy was a excellent employee as opposed to that very rude person Chris. There is a example of a bad employee. This Chris is a trouble maker. He has a considerable amount of freewill. Troy was my friend. This Chris is a evil person. He should be more like this nice fellow Turk who runs the website.

    Turk has even told me that he would go golfing with me. I can tell he’s very excited about golf, because when he asked me he was laughing quite a bit. A very nice fellow indeed.

    Views: 888
    Sunday May 10th 1998
    Secret Identity 3:00 am-
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    Watching Superman the Animated Series made me come to strange conclusion. You know that Clark Kent and Superman can never be seen in the same room together because they are one and the same.

    It made me wonder about Turk who runs this website. I think he is a decent guy. He has been nice enough to give me the space on his page. but I was thinking that I have never seen him and Chris the bad egg at the hotel together in the same room. Which made me think maybe the two of them are the same person.

    I e-mailed Turk about this dilemma of mine. He assured me that He never heard of this guy “Chris”. He also pointed out that I have never met Him yet, which was a good point. So I asked Turk if he wanted to go golfing with me ever. He said he would when he could fit it in to his busy schedule.

    Views: 770
    Sunday May 17th 1998
    No Connection 3:00 am-
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    For some reason I can’t get on today. My ISP is being a prick I guess. I was talking to some old friends and they had seen the Harpy page and Harpy one has given them a dose of flashback. Jeff had forgotten the eyes. “Make them stop!!” he exclaimed. Well I want to say Hi to Jeff and Cheryl. And maybe one of these days I tell you all a story about Harpy one.

    Views: 782
    Monday May 18th 1998
    No Connection Part Two 3:00 am-
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    My ISP as it turns out has been having problems. So Its not as I thought. I figured My time has run out. So hopefully in an hour I can put up my new stuff.

    Views: 869
    Friday May 22nd 1998
    Cowboy Wedding 3:00 am-
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    Mark E is getting married. And Mark J is in the wedding. Cowboy hats and cowboy boots. Its going to be funny to see Mark J in that get up. I will have my camera ready. So congrats to Mark E and his Bride.

    Views: 988
    Tuesday May 26th 1998
    Top Ten List 3:00 am-
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    Top Ten Good And Bad Things About Troy’s Hair Loss by Tom Stanley.

    1. Starts new political party called the Baldacrates.
    1. Tells people He is the missing bald Beatles.
    1. Becomes youngest President of the Hair Club for men.
    1. At 75 loses His mind and has His ears pierced and lives in a fantasy world where he is “Mr. Clean”.
    1. Wins 1999 Marlon Brando look a like contest at the Sand Festival.
    1. Entertains kids at family picnics by frying eggs on top of his head with only a magnifying glass.
    1. Becomes lifetime member of the Autobon Society for generous donations of drain hair for preservation of nests for homeless birds.
    1. Lands lead role in retirement home production of the King and I.
    1. Being mistaken for Telly Savalis’s younger bisexual brother.

    And the number one Good and Bad Things About Troy’s Hair Loss is:

    1. Irrational fear of bending over in local bowling alley.
    Views: 822
    May 1998
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