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  • Monday June 18th 2001
    One Year 2:00 am-
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    Today happens to be the one year anniversary of my moving out of my house. A little place that I miss quite a bit. I miss the freedom of having your own place. A year ago today things were a little different. But a big blow was coming. But I was having a lot of fun.

    Today is also Fathers Day. Last year for one reason or another I missed Fathers Day. This year we (and when I say we I mean me and my brother) had our usual diner fight. This years was a dozy. I don’t want to get into it here. The brother has no way of defending himself on the net because he is a Techno Luddite.

    Other than that I’m still futzing with JavaScript menu thingie up top. I can’t figure out why Netscape will not show it. The problem lies somewhere between the fact I use FrontPage and maybe something to do with the color scheme. If I can’t figure it out I may jettison the JavaScript. Will see.

    Views: 725
    Fixed!? 11:00 am-
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    Quick one while I wait for first shift to get here. The JavaScript thingie I was having problems with is getting better. The problem was that the JavaScript code was in a table and though IE (didn’t mind it) Netscape hated it. So I’m going and pulling all of it out of the tables. So now the fancy menu thing up top should work for Netscape users. My initial feelings on the Netscape problem was that any of you who use Netscape should switch to Internet Explorer. It’s a better browser. At least in my humble opinion.

    Views: 659
    June 2001
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