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  • Thursday July 3rd 2008
    Another Raise 12:02 am-
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    Well about one year and one month after my first raise with this new hotel I get this in my email from my boss:

    To: Turk
    Date: Jul 2, 2008 3:15 PM
    Subject: FYI:

    A late welcome back from your week away. I wanted to let you know, there is a change in your pay rate, your new rate of pay increase is $0.35.

    This will show on your check that will be here on Thursday.

    Talk to you soon.

    This is the first time for two things. First he welcomed me back from vacation. Next I got another raise. At the worst hotel ever things were so different. The post marks the last time I got a raise at the shithole. And the way I was greeted from the end of vacation was getting fired.

    I did not even ask for a raise. I did not hint about the idea of getting a raise even. The place continues to surprise me in a good way.

    Views: 1,378
    Wednesday July 23rd 2008
    This And That 5:38 am-
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    I took down my resume page. I did this because I think someone was able to figure out where I work (not hard as I list the hotel by name on the resume) and call for me there. The second shift guy told me they asked to talk to Turk of Hotelblues.com. Not the kind of thing I want to hear in the real world. I’ve talked about this before here. The last time it happened it was an old friend. this time it was a complete stranger. For whatever fucked up reason I consider that crossing some boundary.

    Some chick working at a hotel in ohio found me via this google search ”gf management” and found my search page for those words. Now on the search results page it grabs the text around the search terms and highlights the terms. To help one find what they maybe looking for. Now on the search page for the terms ”gf management” it has two results. First one makes no sense it is a post on Firefox plugins. No words highlighted on that one. The second result is a post from 2004 about the management company that managed the hotel that I never ever saw. So I referred to them as something like the make believe beasts like Bigfoot of the Lock Ness Monster.

    So prior to this post the only place one finds ”gf management” was that post. The gf was in the word bigfoot. Management shows up all over the place. But only in that one post with the term gf. The search page pretty much spells this out for you. But apparently that blurb of the search results and the highlighted words were to much for this person to comprehend. And in general I don’t want to associate with people with poor reading comprehension.

    What irritates me more is that this person tried to tell me what is on my website. She was pretty sure she had read the terms gf management in a post of mine and wanted to get the dirt on them. Now call me silly, but I do happen to know what is on my site. In fact I’ve noticed that I get quite a few hits from google for the terms gf management. Let me say right now I have no clue what GF Management is like. I have no clue if they are good or bad. And I don’t care. Look around on the net. Do not call me at work. Email me or get ahold of me on aim. From here on in I’m not answering to the name Turk in the real world. Unless your really cute and want to do horribly nasty sexual things to me. And I would want picture for proof. Now you people looking for dirt on this GF Management can fuck off and leave me alone.

    Views: 1,449
    Turk The Belligerent 6:10 am-
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    Gawain puts the caller from the last post in perspective:

    [05:44] Gawain: honestly I think its awesome that YOU are the person to go to to bitch about hotels.
    [05:44] Turk: I guess
    [05:44] Gawain: people CALL YOUR ASS UP.
    [05:44] Gawain: you’re almost goddamn famous dude.
    [05:44] Gawain: you are the Lum The Mad of the hotel world.
    [05:44] Turk: hahahaha
    [05:45] Gawain: Turk The Belligerent.

    The Belligerent, I suppose that fits me.

    Views: 2,449
    Thursday July 24th 2008
    Bar Fight! 12:08 am-
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    I love seeing bad press about the worst hotel ever. And it’s good news (as far as I’m concerned) in this Beloit Daily News Stateline Area News in Brief from the 21st:

    Police respond to large fight
    At least three people were injured at a Stateline Area hotel early Sunday after a large fight, South Beloit police said.

    An officer arrived at the Cattails Lounge of the Ramada Inn, 200 Dearborn Ave., about 1:10 a.m. and requested help from two other officers and units from Rockton, Roscoe, Winnebago County and Beloit, according to police reports.

    The officer reported seeing blood stains on the wall, broken bottles on the floor and a broken table. The parties involved already had left or were fleeing by car.

    Police did not know how many people were involved but said the lounge was over capacity.

    A person received treatment at Beloit Memorial Hospital for blunt force trauma to the head, and two people received care for cuts at Rockford Memorial Hospital.

    Sgt. Brad McCaslin said this was the third fight in three weeks. Police warned the Ramada Inn future incidents may affect its liquor license and ability to do business in South Beloit.

    On the 22nd the Daily News posted this article about sewer plans. The good bit there is this:

    In other business, the council noted there will be a liquor commission meeting Monday when the commission is expected to have a hearing concerning recent problems at Cattails, the bar inside the Ramada Inn. Police Chief Tom Fearn noted there have been two incidents since June 29 where the police have been called to the bar. In an incident Sunday, at least three people were injured in a large fight at the business.

    Having that shitty bar Cattails closed down would be one step closer to the worst hotel ever dying for good.

    Views: 953
    July 2008
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