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  • Friday July 13th 2007
    Another Chat Log 3:34 am-
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    This shit starts out harmlessly.

    [12:59] Gawain: Korn’s Another Brick In The Wall im not particularly a Korn fan, but they did a very nice cover of Another Brick In The Wall.
    [1:00] Turk: korn?
    [1:00] Gawain: yeah.
    [1:00] Gawain: they covered a pink floyd song. and I have to say they did it really well.
    [1:00] Turk: covering another brick in the wall?
    [1:00] Gawain: yup.
    [1:00] Gawain: just watch it.
    [1:01] Turk: no
    [1:03] Gawain: that site is awesome, btw.

    Which makes me look around and I find some Doctor Who divx videos. Which leads to this conversation:

    [2:31] Turk: The Mind Robbers second doctor story
    [2:31] Turk: zoe was the hottest companion
    [2:31] Turk: dig the photo copy backgrounds in the tardis console room in the begining
    [2:31] Turk: got to love the 60’s bbc
    [2:32] Gawain: you are such a goddamn fanboy.
    [2:38] Turk: yeah
    [2:42] Turk: Zoe honestly
    [2:42] Turk: hot
    [2:43] Turk: and she would wear these skin tight outfits
    [2:43] Turk: man
    [2:50] Gawain: the wife asked what I was looking at, I explained, she rolled her eyes and called you a nerd.
    [2:50] Turk: …
    [2:50] Gawain: heh.
    [2:50] Gawain: and then went to bed.
    [2:51] Turk: remind her when she gets up that at least I’m not some larping faggot
    [2:51] Gawain: holy shit, that is the ultimate trump card.
    [2:51] Turk: thank you
    [2:51] Turk: I didn’t want to do it
    [2:51] Turk: but I had to
    [2:51] Gawain: heh.
    [2:51] Gawain: you totally bypassed cruise missiles and went straight to nukes.

    For those who want to see what I’m talking about, here is a thumbnailed picture (that I made Gawain check out) of the Second Doctor‘s companion Zoe Heriot mentioned above:


    Views: 1,565
    Wednesday July 25th 2007
    Now Hiring 8:08 am-
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    Some days it just pays to have my digital camera with me:

    Now Hiring Night Audit

    I take great joy knowing that my “replacements” no longer work at the worst hotel ever. You may notice there are a few other pictures in there of that sign. I created that gallery with the hopes that one day I can get a picture of the sign saying:

    Going Out Of Business

    One can dream. Anyone think I should throw my resume in there? It would be a great interview to record.

    Views: 1,602
    Monday July 30th 2007
    Night Aduit? 6:19 pm-
    Comments Comments (0) Categories Bad Hotel, Pictures Permalink Permalink
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    At some point I think people are going to think I’m making this shit up. First the worst hotel ever was hiring everyone. Then they needed bartenders and night auditors. Now it appears they are hiring for the night aduit:

    Now Hiring Night Aduit Night Aduit?

    In my day there were certain steps one took before the sign was done. First usually sales and catering were the ones that decided what went up there. Sales would have this sheet they would fill out that told the bellman what went up on the sign. This sheet was passed to the front desk manager first before the bellmen would get it. At some point between the sales people and the front desk manager spell checking was done.

    I guess the current worst hotel ever managers are actually more incompetent than the ones there around the time I got “fired” for the second time. At least the douche bag who was gm knew how to work spell check. This shit went up yesterday, so lets see how long it is before it gets fixed (they read this site still) or something else gets put up there (with a 50/50 chance of it being spelled right). Of course I wonder if a night aduitor gets paid more than a night auditor? Honestly though what a bunch of retards.

    Views: 1,465
    July 2007
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