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  • Monday April 1st 2002
    This And That 1:48 am-
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    Well I haven’t been doing much of anything as of late. Well that is besides playing a crap load of Jedi Knight 2 and Freedom Force. Me and the Izers did our annual b-day dinner and a movie (without the movie). I didn’t go to the bar afterwards. I haven’t been in the mood to drink as of late. And that is about it.

    Views: 779
    April Fools 5:46 am-
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    So here is my first and most likely last attempt at an April Fools joke. Most of you won’t even get it. And if you have to explain the joke it wasn’t funny in the first place. Also factor in the fact that my sense of humor is really strange.

    So this will have to do. I like my sense of humor. If you don’t get it just go and read the very bottom of this page. Click the link that say’s worst website. And then my “joke” may be clear. And I apologize about the long load time on that piece of shit. I wanted to keep the joke as close to the real thing as possible.

    Views: 757
    Tuesday April 2nd 2002
    This And That 4:18 am-
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    How many of you got a chance to catch my little April Fools Day gag? After thinking about the gag I’ve decided it was very uninspired. I could have done better if I tried. I wasn’t all that into it. The real problem is I’m feeling to comfortable at work. So naturally I have to try to cause trouble.

    The post yesterday also pointed out the special link down at the bottom of every page. Have you clicked that link yet? I don’t try to point this kind of thing out. It’s funnier if you find this kind of thing yourself. It’s like my little hidden page. But anyway.

    I’m also thinking about doing a new Poll. A Poll that would be the first serious one yet. I know it’s an outrageous plan, but I feel this is something that must be done. Look for it this morning sometime.

    Views: 1,754
    Wednesday April 3rd 2002
    For Sale! 3:47 am-
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    I found the guys who are handling the auction of the hotel. Did I mention the hotel was up for auction? Whoops it must have slipped my mind. Anyway they have no mention of the hotel. So it must be one of those hush-hush kind of deals. If and when I find out some more on this auction I’ll throw it up here.

    Views: 765
    A Few Things 9:08 am-
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    First up I wanted to mention something about the news script I use to update the site. Coranto is what it’s called. I saw that one of you hit me from a search engine looking for examples of it running. I wanted to point out that the main site is kind of out of commission forum wise. You can go to Coronto-the other site for support and help. It’s run by a great bunch of young gentlemen.

    Next I want to thank the two of the three votes for my humble little site having an excellent design. The other vote is me. That means a lot to me, it really does.

    Also did any of you get thrown off by my lame April Fools joke? Only reason I ask is that I saw that it looks like one of you visited the main page four times or so before you found the real page. Here’s the access log:

    A visitor from rich-cas1-32.dial.mhtc.net ( was logged 6 times,
    starting at 4:49:00 PM on Monday, April 1, 2002.
    The initial browser was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt).

    This visitor first arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/

    00:00:06 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/

    00:00:20 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/

    00:00:00 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/

    00:00:40 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/real_index.html

    00:00:32 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/
    and visited www.hotelblues.com/

    Did I get you Ross?

    Views: 1,073
    Thursday April 4th 2002
    The Auction 8:16 pm-
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    It looks like Sheldon finally has some info on the auction. You can go to this page, which is just an auction index. The goods on the actual auction are found on this out of wack page.

    Suggested Opening Bid:
    $1,000,00 or $6,400 per room

    Now I’m assuming that $1,000,00 is 1,000,000. I’m a little bummed by our sell price. Do you think the bank thought of this amount and said it like Dr. Evil with a pinky to their bottom lip? And for that matter can me and my friends throw in six or seven grand and buy a room?

    I’m telling you we are going to get bought up by some cheap mother-fuckers. I just shudder to think what kind of beast will come in when this is over.

    Views: 774
    Saturday April 6th 2002
    Dungeon Siege! 6:38 pm-
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    Dungeon Siege is currently what has my every waking thought. Damn I love this game. If you have played games for a while the pedigree of this one alone is merit to pick it up. A guy named Chris Taylor made the game. Taylor also did the best Real Time Strategy(rts) game ever called Total Annihilation.

    Dungeon Siege is an action rpg kind of like the Diablo series. But then it’s nothing really like Diablo. I’m not going to blab on and on about this game. Here are the shots (1024×768):

    One Two
    Three Four

    Pay attention to the last screen shot, it has one of the things that makes the game great in it. The packmule. This alone makes the game special. That last shot I have everyone loaded with loot. Man it’s cool. You really just have to play it to understand. I will worn you that the Dungeon Siege is one system hungry game. You better hope you have the hardware to run it. Here is a great fan site to find more info if your interested in it.

    Views: 1,016
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