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  • Tuesday September 5th 2000
    My Helper 6:12 pm-
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    So I went over to the Isley’s to use the net and to do some chores here on the site. I have added the new GuestBook and added another archive page. And just a few other things. I picked up a helper today. A little woman almost two helped me all day. In the pictures below you can see how she shows me to do some of the more complex web techniques. Lainey is quite the little lady. A definite candidate for a future harpy.

    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper

    She knows that her Uncle Turk is at her command. If she wants something she knows I’m a sucker. What can you do? She’s my girl.

    Views: 1,197
    Thursday September 7th 2000
    The Guestbook 12:59 pm-
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    Damn my eyes! I have not heard from Karstaedt on this, so I would think that any comment made would be take in the spirit of it. It just fun, witty banter. Banter not unlike when we are sitting at the bar. Anyway here is what Ross has to say:

    Where did you here about my site: the old man in scene 24

    hey Turk, what’s shaken? you got to let me know when you got a weekend off so I can get you up here for those steaks and beers! One more thing I want to publicly apologize to Karstaedt for my comments. A difference in political Ideals is not a right to verbal attack someone. again I apologize.

    Now on the other hand Ross doesn’t mention an apology to old “Ground Meat”. It’s just an observation, I’m not passing judgment on anyone. On a personal note. Ross’s last guestbook entry had me stumped. Here and now I admit I had no idea who George Lincoln Rockwell was. I looked up the name on the internet. Now, after that I laughed my ass off.

    Views: 1,092
    Wednesday September 13th 2000
    The Guestbook, Again 1:24 pm-
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    My old buddy Saddler stopped by early in the morning today with this to say:

    Where did you here about my site: written in blood on the three toed lesbian sloth I ate this morning
    what is up it is approx.3:32 in the a.m. and I am on my lunch break .. so what’s going on? just thought I would say hi. That was pretty nice at Mary & Clarence’s the other day it was nice to see everyone again. We need to do that more often. Well gotta go I have to work on my DNA splicing lab fun. huuhh. later.

    You guys are getting clever with the “where did you here about my site?” responses. It should be noted the last time Saddler signed the guestbook it was regarding the movie Saving Private Ryan. That one just about made me cry with tears.

    Views: 865
    September 2000
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