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  • Sunday December 6th 2009
    Contact Question 11:37 pm-
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    Here is a contact email I got and it reminds me that I need to address this kind of thing in the faq.

    Hey Turk, got a question for you, it’d go better on the forum but registration is close :(

    I’m working at a startup hotel, can you give any suggestions for some good front desk software systems? We’ve got a lot of work to do to get this started but the software will be the best investment for the future, so cost is relevant but not completely limiting. Thanks!

    I’ve used three systems total. Encore, WinPM, and now Opera. I don’t have a clue what the stuff costs. I’m just an auditor when I’m not on the internet. I really don’t have a clue what this stuff costs. I’m sure a google search would reveal the answers you are looking for better than I can.

    About the forum. With registrations open all of the scum of the net sign up to post spam. So I closed it down. The forum does mention how to get a forum account. It requires more work than the usual simple forum registration I suppose. But until the scum of the net die it is just the way it is.Reprinted below is a slightly altered text one can find on the night audit page.

    1. Fill out the Contact Us form found here.
    2. Enter your name and real email address.
    3. Make sure to select the Registration Invite option for the subject.
    4. Answer the random question to prove your not a spammer.
    5. Leave a desired username (can be different than the name you put in the your name text box) and password in the message text box.
    6. Hit send.
    7. Wait for me to email with your forum details.

    I did recently buy the vBulletin 4.0 upgrade. When I get around to installing it I will turn back on registrations (temporally) to see how it handles net spam scum.

    Views: 1,134
    Thursday December 24th 2009
    vBulletin 4 Upgrade? 12:06 am-
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    This is old news and I’m sick of seeing this long ass post. Short story is vBulletin 4 sucks. Stay away from it and use an older version or something else.

    Views: 2,685
    December 2009
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