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  • Monday March 9th 2009
    Top Ten Movies 4:10 am-
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    I’m no good at compiling top ten lists of anything. The topic of top ten movies was brought up by Gawain.

    [03:29] Gawain: My Top Ten Movies
    [03:33] Turk: damn it I hate this top ten shit
    [03:33] Gawain: hahahahaha
    [03:33] Turk: fuck off
    [03:33] Turk: V for Vendetta?
    [03:34] Gawain: yeah?
    [03:34] Turk: I did not know you fell down and hurt your head
    [03:34] Turk: go to the hospital right now
    [03:34] Gawain: that was a great movie. It wasn’t as good as the comic, but it was still awesome.
    [03:34] Turk: see thing is
    [03:35] Turk: either it is as good as the source material or it is shit
    [03:36] Gawain: pffft. thats not true. I think the comics of Spider-Man are better than the movies, but the movies are ok. same with Batman. “the stand” by Stephen King is a great book, and a pretty good movie, but its not as good as the book. its not shit though.
    [03:36] Turk: my world my rules
    [03:39] Turk: Leviathan?
    [03:39] Turk: Army Of Darkness?
    [03:39] Gawain: yup.
    [03:39] Turk: come on
    [03:39] Gawain: and yup.
    [03:39] Gawain: neither one are classics, but they are both great movies.
    [03:39] Turk: are you bleeding from your head wound?
    [03:39] Turk: apply pressure

    I would have said more if I had seen Unbreakable in his list.

    So far I only have a top 1 movie. Also the original Star Wars would have to be in there too. So my top 2. Added Raiders and Empire Strikes Back. So top 4.

    1. Casablanca
    2. The Empire Strikes Back
    3. Star Wars
    4. Raiders of the Lost Ark

    I will update my list as I think of it.

    Views: 975
    Sunday March 8th 2009
    Don’t Watch Watchmen 3:26 am-
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    Fuck Zach Synder ok? Here is a bit from the Watchmen movie Wikipedia entry:

    Moore adamantly opposed a film adaptation of his comic book, arguing, “You get people saying, ‘Oh, yes, Watchmen is very cinematic,’ when actually it’s not. It’s almost the exact opposite of cinematic.” Moore said that Terry Gilliam, preparing to direct Watchmen for Warner Bros. at the time, had asked Moore how the writer would film it. “I had to tell him that, frankly, I didn’t think it was filmable. I didn’t design it to show off the similarities between cinema and comics, which are there, but in my opinion are fairly unremarkable. It was designed to show off the things that comics could do that cinema and literature couldn’t.”

    Terry Gilliam did not make a Watchmen movie. Anyway who the fuck is Zack Snyder? A Dawn of the Dead remake and 300 are his credentials? Dude is unqualified to make Watchmen. Gilliam on the other had has made some good movies. And if anyone would have done it right it would have been him. I don’t think Terry Gilliam would have included Night Owl seeing Rorschach die. Or even worse upon seeing said death have Night Owl fall to his knees and raise his hands up and to scream into the night.

    Another thing that bugged me. In Snyder’s Watchmen the name of the superhero group is Watchmen. Hopefully in the director’s cut they say the superhero team name enough that one can make a drinking game around it. The changes this guy made to the ending also bothered me. Blaming it on Doctor Manhattan seems just a lazy way out. I’m sick to death of this 9/11 bullshit. Water down the ending just because something bad happened? It’s a good thing the Japanese are not such pussies or we would have never got any Godzilla movies.

    If you want to experience Watchmen read the comic. It’s how the creator Alan Moore wanted it. Or wait for someone with real talent to come along and do the source material justice.

    Views: 795
    Friday March 6th 2009
    Watching Watchmen 6:21 am-
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    So me, my brother, and my dad are going to go see the Watchmen movie today. I have not been holding my breath. In fact I have been setting myself up for a major disappointment in what has been called an unfilmable comic book. There are two things that make me want to have hope that the movie will be good.

    1. the movie is set in the 80’s like the comic book
    2. the Rorschach character looks to be on the money

    Things I don’t like include the fact that the ending has been neutered. Because of 9/11 we can’t go showing New York City destroyed by a fake alien invasion. Why is it we have become such huge pussies since 9/11? Jesus it’s  a movie people. Bunch of god damn pussies. Also a minor nitpick but they wouldn’t let any of the good characters smoke. It’s perfectly fine for some of the bad guys to smoke. But not good guys. More pussy bullshit.

    And right now I’m saying that I will have a huge heart attack if Doctor Manhattan does not explode Rorschach into a mist of blood. Some things just have to be the same. Rorschach buying it is one of those things that to my mind can not be changed. Letting him survive would just be the final insult in the pussifcation of the movie. Sorry if I just spoiled the story to a twenty year old comic book.

    With any luck the movie will be really good and my setting myself up for it to fail will pay big when it does not suck.

    Views: 889
    Thursday November 13th 2008
    The New Enterprise 7:29 am-
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    There it is.

    New Movie Enterprise

    The new James Bond movie has a trailer for the new Trek movie. I think the nacelles look funny.

    Views: 788
    Saturday October 18th 2008
    New Trek Movie Pictures 4:07 am-
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    So instead of talking about the Brother’s Wedding or even Warhammer Online I wanted to post these pics of the actual cast in uniform and a little bit of the bridge from the new Star Trek movie that JJ Abrams is making.

    The Crew The Bridge Shot Kirk and Spock Spock

    These pictures makes me want to see this. The uniforms look good. They retain the classic look with a touch of the modren. Now the bit of the bridge you get to see is just too white. I’m not going to comment on the new Kirk. But fuck both Spock and McCoy look good. The rest I’m just not sure about. And check out the short skirt on the chick behind Kirk and McCoy in the bridge shot. I’m sure more and more info will be released as the release date gets closer.

    Views: 1,169
    Saturday January 19th 2008
    Enterprise! 4:05 pm-
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    Here are picture from the new Star Trek movie trailer that played with Cloverfield. It is a good look at the USS Enterprise from the new movie.

    Enterprise Saucer Section 1 Enterprise Saucer Section 2 Enterprise Saucer Section 3 Enterprise Saucer Section 4 Enterprise Saucer Section 5
    Enterprise Back View 1 Enterprise Back View 2 Enterprise Back View 3
    Enterprise Far Shot Enterprise Hull Close Up

    Saw it over at TrekMovie.com. They released the trailer at the official site. So I downloaded it and took screen captures of what you can see of the Enterprise in the trailer. I’m just a huge geek.

    Views: 970
    Monday October 22nd 2007
    New Trek Movie 6:32 am-
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    There is a new Star Trek movie being made. With new actors playing the parts. CNN has an article talking about the news of the casting of Captain Kirk. Here is the breakdown:

    Chris Pine as Captain Kirk Zachary Quinto as Mr Spock Karl Urban as Doctor Mccoy Simon Pegg as Scotty
    John Cho as Sulu Zoe Saldana as Uhura Anton Yelchin as Chekov

    Here are the IMDB links to these people:

    I don’t even know what to think. It’s hard to imagine some of them as these characters. In costume and on the set will give a better idea how they will do. Just wow though.

    Views: 1,123
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