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  • Sunday May 16th 2010
    Hacked! 11:09 am-
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    So I closed my World of Warcraft account. Then yesterday my account was hacked. Look at my guy down below in his underwear.

    Both of my high level characters were stripped of all their gear. I’m guessing that the guild bank was emptied. I know they took all my gold. I wonder how this happened. I’m pretty good about securing my computers. I’ve never shared my password with anyone. Overall I’m not really worried about all this. I’m done with WoW for now. The next time I play again I’m sure I’ll have to work a little bit harder to outfit my characters. With any luck Blizzard will be able to recover my stuff.

    Views: 1,287
    Wednesday May 26th 2010
    Best Spam Ever! 4:16 am-
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    I got to give this guys a big thumbs up for his effort to spam:

    WoW patch 3.3.5 ptr is live.The Ruby Sanctum will be the last raid released in Wrath of the Lich King, advancing the storyline towards Cataclysm. although i am spammer, we have cheap wow accounts and wow gold
    -Marco Pallavidino

    Both the words wow accounts and wow gold were links to some spammer gold seller. I like this one better than the Colon Cleanser spam I got in my email a long time ago because the guy seems to know what kind of douche he is.

    Views: 794
    Sunday May 30th 2010
    Charred 3:28 am-
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    I found this funnier than maybe I should have:

    Owen Lars & Aunt Beru (charred)

    I laugh every time I look at it. What exactly does that say about me?

    Views: 2,668
    May 2010
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