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  • Monday March 20th 2006
    Oblivion! 10:30 pm-
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    Giggity Giggity Oblivion!

    One Two
    Three Four

    Oh yeah.

    Views: 988
    Friday March 10th 2006
    Waiting For Oblivion 5:00 pm-
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    Gamestop employees lives are no forfeit if I don’t receive my copy of Oblivion on time. I’m not sure I can wait another 10 days or so for this one. And I’m going to cry like a little girl if the game plays like shit on my new pc. I don’t think it will. But I’m just saying if you hear a grown man crying like a little bitch that just skinned her knee chances are it’s me and Oblivion runs like shit. Here are two huge ass landsacpes that’s been released in the last few days:


    I just can’t wait to play it.

    Views: 1,137
    Saturday February 25th 2006
    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 12:32 pm-
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    When I built my new computer I used the recommended system requirements (listed in the faq) for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as my guideline. They released some new screenshots and I snagged them up:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight
    Nine Ten
    Eleven Twelve

    If you never played any of the previous games (last one was Morrowind) the easiest way to describe the game is that it is a mmorpg without all the other people to bother you. It looks hot and everytime I read a preview I get all giddy with excitement. The rumor mill says this one will be out in late March.

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