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  • Friday November 16th 2007
    Time Crash 4:06 am-
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    Man talk about a total geek out. The Fifth Doctor gets to meet the Tenth Doctor in a charity special called Time Crash. I’m jazzed big time. I’m a huge fan of the multiple Doctor stuff. I’m also a big fan of the 5th Doctor. The Big Finish audio plays helped quite a bit for me to name a favorite.

    5th meets 10th

    But then I’m so terrified on how it will play out. The idea of the spaztic 10th Doctor meeting the previous Doctors just does not excite me. I would have liked to see the 5th meet the 7th much more if things hadn’t have ended the way they did for the original show.

    5th looks frightened

    This airs tonight in the UK. I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get this 7 minute scene off of Pirates Bay.

    Views: 1,214
    Friday July 13th 2007
    Another Chat Log 3:34 am-
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    This shit starts out harmlessly.

    [12:59] Gawain: Korn’s Another Brick In The Wall im not particularly a Korn fan, but they did a very nice cover of Another Brick In The Wall.
    [1:00] Turk: korn?
    [1:00] Gawain: yeah.
    [1:00] Gawain: they covered a pink floyd song. and I have to say they did it really well.
    [1:00] Turk: covering another brick in the wall?
    [1:00] Gawain: yup.
    [1:00] Gawain: just watch it.
    [1:01] Turk: no
    [1:03] Gawain: that site is awesome, btw.

    Which makes me look around and I find some Doctor Who divx videos. Which leads to this conversation:

    [2:31] Turk: The Mind Robbers second doctor story
    [2:31] Turk: zoe was the hottest companion
    [2:31] Turk: dig the photo copy backgrounds in the tardis console room in the begining
    [2:31] Turk: got to love the 60’s bbc
    [2:32] Gawain: you are such a goddamn fanboy.
    [2:38] Turk: yeah
    [2:42] Turk: Zoe honestly
    [2:42] Turk: hot
    [2:43] Turk: and she would wear these skin tight outfits
    [2:43] Turk: man
    [2:50] Gawain: the wife asked what I was looking at, I explained, she rolled her eyes and called you a nerd.
    [2:50] Turk: …
    [2:50] Gawain: heh.
    [2:50] Gawain: and then went to bed.
    [2:51] Turk: remind her when she gets up that at least I’m not some larping faggot
    [2:51] Gawain: holy shit, that is the ultimate trump card.
    [2:51] Turk: thank you
    [2:51] Turk: I didn’t want to do it
    [2:51] Turk: but I had to
    [2:51] Gawain: heh.
    [2:51] Gawain: you totally bypassed cruise missiles and went straight to nukes.

    For those who want to see what I’m talking about, here is a thumbnailed picture (that I made Gawain check out) of the Second Doctor‘s companion Zoe Heriot mentioned above:


    Views: 1,565
    Saturday June 17th 2006
    Bad Who 5:49 pm-
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    Those British lads at the Something Awful Forum are indicating this new episode of Doctor Who is very bad:

    Boomtown Bad

    I’m in the process of downloading it right now. The SA goons are usually right on the money about this stuff. I’m really beginning to loose hope for the future of Doctor Who.

    So it was really fucking bad. So bad it made you want to just shut it off. Once again one of the SA Forum goons sums it up best:

    You know, this wouldn’t have been that terrible as an edition of Confidential, or something I could ignore like the Attack of the Grask or whatever. But it was an official episode of the show. Part clip show, part side story, part fan fiction. All rolled up together in a gigantic ball of extreme suck by that fat, narcissistic, pop-media manwhore, that ignorant, demented, brainless, pile of catfucking shit, Russell T. Davies.

    At this point it really does seem like Davies has become the Berman and Bragga of Doctor Who. So sad.

    Views: 1,357
    Thursday June 15th 2006
    Rose Quits 3:45 pm-
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    Good riddance Rose:

    Billie Piper says: “Rose and I have gone on the most incredible journey with Russell T Davies and the cast and crew of Doctor Who over the past two years.

    “It has been an amazing adventure, and I can confirm it comes to an end, for now at least, as series two climaxes.

    Honestly now if this means no more Jackie Tyler as well I’ll be happy as can be. Rose and her mum have got to be the worst thing about the new Doctor Who. It’s almost as if these two bitches have become the center focus. Now Doctor Who can get back to the way it used to be.

    Views: 1,408
    Monday May 1st 2006
    This And That 7:36 am-
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    Anyone else (specifically diehard Star Trek fans) think that Russell T Davies is turning into the Doctor Who equivalent of Berman and Bragga? I’m just to tired to even go into a long winded spiel. This below was to funny to pass up posting:

    Who Graph

    And to top it all off how about Tom Baker Says?

    Views: 1,225
    Saturday January 14th 2006
    Who In The USA! 8:07 pm-
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    Hurray! A quick poke over to the official Doctor Who web site shows that sometimes it’s better late than never for us Americans viewers. The Sci-Fi channel will be broadcasting the Christopher Eccleston episodes starting in march.

    Who in the USA!

    Of course we will have to wait for god only knows how long to get the second series. And when I say wait I of course mean getting it anyways via file sharing. Hurray for torrents!

    Views: 1,014
    Tuesday December 27th 2005
    Doctor Who 2:45 am-
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    Doctor Who is back, again. As 2005 ends a new Doctor Who begins. The 10th Doctor’s first episode played Christmas night over in the UK. The TARDIS crash landed and the Doctor wobbled out of it’s doors to pass out moments later from his troubled regeneration. Rose comes soon after to explain to her mother and boyfriend that this was the Doctor. The mother then of course asks “Doctor Who?”

    One Two

    It is in these few moments that I hope the mood is set for this season of the Doctor’s adventures. Because in these few moments we are treated with small homages to some of the classic series story elements. The Doctor’s rough regeneration and the Mother delivering the “Doctor Who?” line are small details. In fact if you take the time to watch the 2006 Preview clip from the official site you will see a number of people/things that supports this continued homage to the classic series. In that preview you can catch glimpses of Sarah Jane Smith, K9, and the Cybermen.

    That being said the Christmas Invasion was a so so affair. An episode that I thought was mediocre at best, but it showed lots of promise. It had humor and the Doctor (while not passed) showed charm and the dark side often hinted at in the episodes of the Seventh Doctor. The nods to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was also rather amusing with the Doctor doing his best imitation of Arthur Dent. On the other hand the bad guys were rather boring, with the head bad guy being rather annoying in his sneering and roaring.

    Three Four

    With some luck this could be a nice return to the Doctor Who of old. Of course the downside of all of this is that we Who fans here in the states we have to look to slightly “illegal” means of watching the show. Which to me it is a good sign that no US network wants to broadcast this once again very British tv show. As long as they continue to ignore the travesty the 8th Doctor’s one appearance was I’ll be a happy man. And I’m hopping we get to see the real Master once again. It all makes me excited for the new year to get here.

    Views: 1,442
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