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  • Tuesday July 5th 2011
    Is This On? 1:03 pm-
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    Testing 1 2 3. Fuck I know it’s been a long time. A quick update is in order I suppose.

    On January 18th of this year I was fired for the third time (which you may have guessed from the banners up top) from the hotel business. The reason was a flimsy bit of bullshit about me breaking hotel policy when I posted Work Bitch Post #2. Below is the unedited papers I was given on my exit:

    fired-2011-01 fired-2011-02

    Basically I was let go because I was full-time employee. On the 21st of January the hotel fired my boss. Almost all of the people who had been employed by the Holiday Inn Express of Janesville were either let go or had their hours cut. I was sad to see these american owners acting just like the douche bag foreigners who ruined the old worst hotel ever.

    But in a lot of way I got to thank those cheap assholes (owners/managers) at the Holiday Inn Express of Janesville for showing me the hatch. The unemployment I had to fight for has been a nice extended paid vacation. It’s also made me realize my couple decades of working in this business have been a complete waste of time.

    I’m currently a month behind on paying (I will catch up this month) my stellar web host and so I decided (with some help from a fellow blogger) to at least start using my site again. I’ll try to update more than once every sixth months.

    Views: 1,987
    Monday January 3rd 2011
    Work Bitch Post #2 12:57 am-
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    I gave the new girl her exit interview. Not official in any way of course. The main thing that stood out for me is the reason the young lady is quitting. It’s funny really. She said she has a degree in HR and that her experience here at this hotel has made her change what she thought was her career path.

    See the poor thing was trained in a matter of days. I remember a time when people were trained for weeks or in some cases months. This hotel is taking the worst hotel ever approach as of late and gives all trainees balls to the wall training in just a few days. The girl who this was her last day said she felt like half the time she didn’t know what she was doing. It’s a shame.

    She also confirmed my suspicion that they (they always equals management) don’t inform new people about this retarded you have to stay until your relief has counted their cash thing rule. A while ago this was put in place because someone stole money from the change drawer. To combat this evil theft they decided to treat their employees like children and enforced this fucking stupid you stay until the next shift counts their money rule. This will not stop stupid people from stealing from the workplace.

    Even better when you realize they have cameras they are to lazy to move to watch all of us nasty employees.

    Camera 01 Camera 02

    I mean if they really wanted to make sure the money wasn’t being stolen from their own employees turn that camera a bit and the issue is resolved. But I suspect they are honestly to lazy to turn the camera or too cheap to buy a new camera.

    After having to deal with the idiot for so long at the worst hotel ever I just may be a little crazy about wanting to leave at my scheduled time. This craziness was explained to my boss before he hired me at my interview with him. So now I have to call the wisconsin department of labor and find out if they can fire me for leaving at the time they scheduled me to leave. This is almost a worst hotel ever level of retardeness.

    Views: 1,957
    Friday December 31st 2010
    Memo Time 12:02 am-
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    Memo Time! This shit gets thrown up on the back of the door into the front desk office. It’s not like they want to draw attention to this kind of news. The bits I like are below and the bolded stuff was done by me:

    This hotel is in a transition period. With the loss of <Name Removed> and the slowdown in business travel, the guest service and overall value that we offer our customers must be better than ever. I am confident that <Name Removed> knowledge and experience will enable us to do just that.

    So now I this read as we (the peons) have to do more work. For those of you not counting at home it’s about 2 years and 6 months since my last raise from this hotel. So they (the bosses) expect more work for no more pay. This hotel is slowly starting to get to me.

    kW bDPj
    Views: 1,400
    Thursday August 20th 2009
    Hotel Fail 2:07 am-
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    I had to go get a crib for a guest and this below is what I saw:

    Hotel Fail 1 Hotel Fail 2

    It made me think of the pictures the Fail Blog has. I imagine you got to blame dumb bellman. I’m glad whomever did it can’t read. It gave me a good laugh.

    Views: 1,010
    Tuesday May 26th 2009
    Torrenting At Work 12:04 am-
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    It seems the good hotel has a few “less than computer savvy” employees. I’m not the most follow the rules type of guy at a workplace. But if your going to be stupid enough to download a torrent of the movie Boondock Saints at work you may want to stop the torrent from seeding when its quitting time.

    Torrenting At Work

    Views: 1,644
    Thursday July 3rd 2008
    Another Raise 12:02 am-
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    Well about one year and one month after my first raise with this new hotel I get this in my email from my boss:

    To: Turk
    Date: Jul 2, 2008 3:15 PM
    Subject: FYI:

    A late welcome back from your week away. I wanted to let you know, there is a change in your pay rate, your new rate of pay increase is $0.35.

    This will show on your check that will be here on Thursday.

    Talk to you soon.

    This is the first time for two things. First he welcomed me back from vacation. Next I got another raise. At the worst hotel ever things were so different. The post marks the last time I got a raise at the shithole. And the way I was greeted from the end of vacation was getting fired.

    I did not even ask for a raise. I did not hint about the idea of getting a raise even. The place continues to surprise me in a good way.

    Views: 1,379
    Friday June 20th 2008
    Work Report 12:13 am-
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    So the two ladies come down to the desk. They both have key problems. The one lady gives the correct room number for her keys. The second lady gets some numbers mixed up and tells me the wrong number. This is an important part of this story.

    So two ladies come down because their keys are not working in their room doors. I ask them if when the key were used if the lock flashed a green light or a red light. Red they say. I reply that this is a good thing. They ask why this is a good thing. I tell them that it is good because it means that neither the lock is broken or they (the guests) did it wrong.

    That is when the lady who tells me the wrong room number for her keys corrects me that the guest is always right. The old lady scolded me like I was some kid who told a lie. The customers are generally speaking always wrong. I will not spit out this manager bullshit speak about the customers always being right. It is a gigantic load of shit.

    So I go about my business making the right keys for the lady who did not put her foot in her mouth. For my costumer who says she is always right I make the keys for the room number she gave me. This was the wrong room. The keys will work, but it is not the room this know it all is in.

    The bit with me giving her the keys to the wrong room was chance. I did not check to see if it was wrong or right. Fate stepped in and provided all with proof that the customer is not always right. The even better part was when they came for the correct keys the always right customer did not come down to get them. I made it a point to ask if the keys were for the lady who said customers were always right. The lady who came for the keys said yes. I smiled and gave her the keys for the old lady who thinks customers are always right. Vacation starts tomorrow. Nine glorious days off.

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