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  • Friday December 24th 2010
    X-Mas Eve 12:30 am-
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    It’s finally X-Mas Eve. My Christmas fervor can almost come to an end. I get into Christmas mode about a week or two into November and start immediately playing Bing Crosby X-Mas tunes on my iPod non stop. But as soon as presents are open Christmas morning I snap out of it.

    What’s the deal with the word Christmas anyway? Why is it a big deal? Supposedly Atheists don’t want the term Christmas used? Instead they throw around Happy Holidays. I don’t get it. I can’t say I’m a believer. But I do try to keep an open mind. But even if I don’t believe in Jesus Christ I dig Christmas.

    And why would anyone be against it? It’s a holiday that brings happiness to children who want to believe in the idea that out there somewhere is this Santa guy who takes it upon himself to give away free shit to the people of this world. It’s a nice thing to want to believe in. I try to encourage my niece and nephew to hold onto that shit for as long as they can. The world will be more than happy to introduce them to it’s real nature soon enough.

    Also Christmas isn’t about Christ. The kids I know don’t think shit it’s the birthday of Jesus let’s eat cake. Christmas to kids is the equivalent of getting good loot in World of Warcraft. Which I don’t think is a bad thing. You got to get the good loot while you can.

    Views: 1,061
    Friday December 31st 2010
    Memo Time 12:02 am-
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    Memo Time! This shit gets thrown up on the back of the door into the front desk office. It’s not like they want to draw attention to this kind of news. The bits I like are below and the bolded stuff was done by me:

    This hotel is in a transition period. With the loss of <Name Removed> and the slowdown in business travel, the guest service and overall value that we offer our customers must be better than ever. I am confident that <Name Removed> knowledge and experience will enable us to do just that.

    So now I this read as we (the peons) have to do more work. For those of you not counting at home it’s about 2 years and 6 months since my last raise from this hotel. So they (the bosses) expect more work for no more pay. This hotel is slowly starting to get to me.

    Views: 1,400
    December 2010
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