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  • Friday June 8th 2001
    Random 8:20 am-
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    Some random thoughts I’ll throw out here. Pretty amazing that I updated on a day off. Last post kinda sounded like I was a little bitter? Maybe. I got over it. Life is what you make of it. What was I thinking?

    You ever think about who would play you or your friends in a movie about your life? I can’t even begging to guess who could play me. The only friend of mine I could cast would be Ross. Chasing Amy’s Jason Lee could play Ross. Can you tell I’ve been watching the Smith movies?

    Speaking of movies, I picked up a DVD player. I have fallen in love with the format. I own Chasing Amy and Mallrats. Both of course Kevin Smith. Both of them are packed with extras. Deleted footage and the feature I love, commentary. I love the commentary feature, I do. Especially on the Kevin Smith movies.

    Speaking of Kevin Smith. Has anyone else downloaded the trailer to his new movie? I thought it was very funny. Lots of the characters from the previous four movies make a return in this one.

    Views: 990
    June 2001
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