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  • Saturday May 6th 2006
    Eve Online 1:13 pm-
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    Eve Online, another mmorpg. Like I need another one. This one is the closest thing you will find to Earth & Beyond.

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    I played it for 16 hours on Friday. From 7am to 11pm. I haven’t done that in a long time.

    Views: 1,326
    Thursday April 10th 2003
    Shadowbane 1:39 pm-
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    Well I got the game Shadowbane and I installed it and I tried to play it. My first problem is that the games auto patcher is all fucked up. The first screen shot shows what I’m talking about. It tells me and lots of other people that one or more of the .cache files are corrupt. It advises you to reinstall this piece of shit. And this doesn’t work. Check out this thread at the Shadowbane forums for what the developers tell their paying customers to do. And what they have you do has about a 1% chance of working. Check out pages 9 and 10 of that thread for my comments.

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    Needless to say I’m done with this steaming pile of shit called Shadowbane. I wish I could return this game. But it was purchased at Walmart and those guys are impossible to get then to give refunds. So my Shadowbane disk has become my new beverage coaster. Stay away from this game if you know what’s good for you.

    Views: 1,605
    Thursday November 7th 2002
    Earth And Beyond Shots 11:33 pm-
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    Okay so I’ve talked about playing mmorpg before. I have played a few of these types of games. I tried Everquest. It was ok. DAoC was the next one and I really dig Dark Age of Camelot. But this game Earth and Beyond just may have something that would get me to stop playing DAoC. It’s the Star Trek Geek in me. You even get to name your ship. Here are some shots showing off the amazing graphics of Earth and Beyond (1152×864):

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    I’ve made it to level 14 already and I have only played maybe seven hours tops. I don’t know if it’s good or bad to be leveling that fast. I don’t care either because it’s so much fun. This is one to look at if your tired of the fantasy mmorpg.

    Views: 1,274
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