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  • Friday June 5th 2009
    Vacation 2009 9:44 pm-
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    It is once again time for vacation. I’m taking one week of paid vacation. With my usual days off the total time away from work is nine wonderful days off. I’m going to take two days and go again with the Newbs to Wisconsin Dells. I had a lot of fun when we went last time.

    Views: 687
    Tuesday June 16th 2009
    Back To Work 12:48 am-
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    So I’m back to work. The vacation was nice. Nine days away from the workplace is always a good thing. It’s also nice knowing I still have another week of paid vacation left. I look forward to taking another nine days off.

    Views: 725
    Monday June 22nd 2009
    House M.D. 12:35 am-
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    Chat log time. This time it’s how I learned to like House M.D. after rejecting the idea of watching it many times.

    Session Start: Sun Dec 07 2008
    [12:38] Gawain: man this chick in House is crazy hot.
    [12:39] Turk: who?
    [12:39] Turk: I can’t watch that show
    [12:39] Turk: seeing the dumb prince from Blackadder acting smart gives me limpdick
    [12:40] Gawain: this chick.
    [12:41] Turk: yum I would eat her on a cracker
    [12:41] Gawain: yeah.
    [12:42] Gawain: all the chicks on the show are crazy hot really.

    Session Start: Sat Jan 24 2009
    [04:17] Gawain: woo! new house MD!
    [04:17] Turk: bah

    Session Start: Sat Jun 13 2009
    [06:27] Gawain: yeah. Initially I used to hate medical shows too. The guys on SA kept talking abotu how awesome house was, but it took me until like season 4 to download ep1 of season 1 and give it a shot. I used to HATE er.
    [06:28] Turk: can’t do house
    [06:28] Turk: dude is too good as a bumbling idiot in Blackadder
    [06:28] Turk: and I refuse to watch him as anything else
    [06:28] Gawain: I really like it. im not sure if its my favorite show, but its probably in the top 3.
    [06:28] Gawain: have you ever watched it?
    [06:28] Turk: no
    [06:28] Turk: can’t
    [06:29] Turk: dude isn’t a complete fucking moron
    [06:29] Turk: you’ve seen him in Blackadder?
    [06:29] Gawain: you should give ep1 a shot, honestly. the humor is so black. yeah hes a super genius sort of in this one. hes also addicted to pain killers and a complete asshole.
    [06:29] Gawain: yeah.
    [06:29] Turk: just can’t

    Session Start: Thu Jun 18 2009
    [05:20] Gawain: lets see. The only other show I can recommend is House, which I have recommended before. before you go crazy, please remember that I am 2 for 2 or 3 for 3 now.
    [05:20] Turk: no house

    Session Start: Thu Jun 18 2009
    [05:26] Gawain: my plan once I get laid off is to drive over there, pick up some booze, and force you to watch house. I didn’t like that one. it was too corny for me. especially the mid air fight.
    [05:27] Turk: eh
    [05:27] Turk: not watched it yet
    [05:27] Turk: fuck house
    [05:27] Gawain: see I think you would really like it if you watched it.
    [05:27] Turk: I’ll get you even more booze and make you watch Blackadder till you can’t watch house anymore
    [05:27] Gawain: I liked black adder. I like house more.
    [05:28] Turk: you know what fine
    [05:29] Gawain: hahahah
    [05:30] Gawain: Demonoid link
    [05:31] Turk: 7 in the first season?
    [05:31] Gawain: if you hurry you can catch up to season 6 before it starts.
    [05:31] Gawain: 22
    [05:31] Turk: I stand committed to my not going to like it
    [05:31] Turk: eh
    [05:31] Gawain: ok, but you have to watch at least 3-5 episodes before you quit.
    [05:31] Turk: oh fine
    [05:32] Turk: there’s 7 of the first season on pirates bay
    [05:33] Turk: first 5 queued up
    [05:33] Gawain: ok
    [05:33] Gawain: I was hooked in season 1 but I can’t honestly remember if it was from the pilot or not. i think it was.

    Session Start: Thu Jun 18 2009
    [05:59] Gawain: wow im getting almost 600kbs to download season 1 of house.
    [06:00] Turk: the whole season?
    [06:00] Turk: where you get it?
    [06:00] Gawain: demonoid.
    [06:01] Turk: well if Iike these I’ll find it there
    [06:01] Turk: first one down
    [06:04] Gawain: im gonna watch season 1 again I don’
    [06:04] Gawain: dont remember it.

    Session Start: Thu Jun 18 2009
    [07:44] Turk: I just don’t like it
    [07:44] Turk: he’s not a fucking moron
    [07:45] Gawain: eh, im not going to make you watch it. Still, the season finale of season 5 was the best finale ive ever seen on tv. and if you don’t watch all the previous seasons you can’t enjoy how awesome it is. But if you don’t like the show you wouldn’t like it anyway so no big.
    [07:45] Turk: I’m watching it
    [07:46] Turk: just not right him being smart and sarcastic
    [07:46] Turk: it’s not bad
    [07:46] Turk: its just got to much stacked against it for me to like it
    [07:46] Turk: one its a medical show
    [07:46] Gawain: dude, if you make it through to the end of season five, it will blow your damn mind.
    [07:46] Turk: dude is a damn good actor
    [07:46] Turk: ok
    [07:46] Turk: I’m watching
    [07:47] Turk: I miss his brit accent
    [07:47] Turk: but…
    [07:47] Turk: the dude is growing on me
    [07:47] Gawain: I actually had to watch the finale AGAIN after I watched it the first time, because once you find out whats going on, there are clues throughout the whole episode.
    [07:49] Turk: ok ok I fucking like it
    [07:50] Gawain: lol really.
    [07:50] Turk: gimmie a link the that first season torrent
    [07:50] Turk: yes fucker
    [07:50] Turk: I like that he doesn’t like dealing with people
    [07:54] Turk: loved his first patient interaction
    [07:55] Gawain: yeah its always great when he actually has to deal with patients. it never fails to entertain.
    [08:01] Turk: fuck you really
    [08:01] Turk: now I can’t watch blackadder again
    [08:01] Turk: really this is good
    [08:03] Gawain: heh. whats my score now?
    [08:03] Gawain: or as I like to call it. my awesome quota
    [08:03] Turk: fuck who’s counting
    [08:03] Turk: yeah yeah

    Views: 1,036
    Tuesday June 30th 2009
    Worst Hotel Ever Dying 2:50 am-
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    It’s starting out to be a good day! Here is some news hot off the internet about my favorite sinking ship the worst hotel ever in an article called South Beloit Ramada’s future in the air. Below are the highlights:

    South Beloit’s largest hotel is still accepting reservations despite the foreclosure notice filed by Chicago-based PMC Commercial Trust Bank.

    The bank filed the notice in Winnebago County Circuit Court May 15, claiming the Ramada Inn and Conference Center, 200 Dearborn Ave., had defaulted on its mortgage payments and owes the bank $2 million.

    Me and a few others have been waiting for these assholes to go under and this may be the start of them dying.

    But the foreclosure also would affect the city since Ramada owner Serena Hospitalities owes about $26,000 in delinquent sewer bills, $33,000 in hotel taxes and the remaining $200,000 of a $400,000 low-interest loan.

    Fuck the city of South Beloit. They should have never lent those cocksuckers money in the first place.

    “We’re in a position like so many banks: People can’t make their payments,” Kirichkow said. “If they go out of business there’s no way of us recouping our money owed, or the chance would be very small. However, if they stay open, hopefully business would improve (and) they would be successful.”

    I hope Kirichkow is smart enough to know business won’t improve at that hotel. It’s too late for that. They should count their losses and move on. Hopefully the property can be torn down and turned into a parking lot or something.

    Officials from Serena did not return repeated calls for comment.

    And this doesn’t surprise me. What are these dumb fuckers going to say? I think we should go back to the beginning for one of my favorite quotes from the owner to get perspective on their silence now:

    “I’ve associated with friends and family’s hotels, but this is my first on my own,” Noor Tejany said. “I wanted to pick a hotel I would be proud of in the future. Once my plan is completed, I’ll be proud of this hotel.”

    The guy has ruined two hotels so far. I hope he’s very proud. The one I worked at in South Beloit and the poor hotel in Indiana.

    Here is another link to a new article about this topic called S. Beloit to discuss hotel’s liquor permit.

    Views: 6,428
    June 2009
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