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  • Tuesday February 9th 2010
    Is Sarah Palin Still Retarded? 5:40 am-
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    Have you ever asked yourself is Sarah Palin still retarded? This website tries to answer that question. Below is a new poll to help figure this one out.

    Is Sarah Palin Still Retarded?

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    Views: 1,243
    Friday February 12th 2010
    Playing Warhammer Again 6:42 am-
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    So I’m playing Warhammer Online again. I had to transfer my highest level (only 15) off of the closed server he was on. I think there is are only four servers left. It took Mythic 4 days to fix the problem with transfers. In their defense they probably only have a staff of two. For some reason I really like the easy to get into RvR of Warhammer. Below is one of the result screens from a scenario match.

    WAR 2010-02-09 04-59-54-29.jpg

    I’m currently playing on a free ten day come back type of deal. Not totally decided if I’ll stay and pay after the ten days are up.

    To get an idea what the RvR is all about here are a bunch of screenshots of a little skirmish in front of a castle that happened last night.

    WAR 2010-02-12 21-24-35-57.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-24-36-65.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-24-51-12.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-25-06-03.jpg
    WAR 2010-02-12 21-25-07-40.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-25-58-25.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-27-00-67.jpg WAR 2010-02-12 21-32-53-00.jpg

    Ten days was all I needed. Not coming back for $14.99 a month.

    Views: 1,061
    February 2010
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    Is Sarah Palin Still Retarded?

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