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  • Drinking

    One night I talked my co-workers in to going out drinking. I really didn’t have to talk them in to it, they were willing. So me and Sarah and Chris went out.

    Now Sarah is a strange one. Saying she likes to drink is an understatement. And we kid her about her drinking problem. Just kidding. The problem I have with Sarah is her ability to attract scum. At first I thought it was the bar we would go to. The Alumni House is a real dive. But, some of are other friends like going there. So these dirtball assholes would just flock to Sarah in there. Every small town drunk you could think of was there.Then we went to a bar that is a nicer kind of establishment. A lot of preppie mother fuckers hang out there.

    College kids and factory workers. Not my kind of place. Anyway, even in there she managed to attract these goofballs. I was amazed. What a fucking loser. Really. This guy was hitting on all of the women there. And some how he knew Sarah. Sarah can’t explain her charming effect on losers. We tried to figure it out. It is a mystery worthy of Mulder and Scully.

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