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  • Saturday June 5th 1999
    Episode One Part Six 7:14 pm-
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    Well I have seen the Phantom menace six times as of today. My old man thinks that is a little over kill. For the sixth venture into the world of Episode one Izer and me dragged our good friend Stanley and his son Jonathan. My thinking was that Jonathan would be enchanted by the power of Star Wars. It turned out to have a kind of hit and miss effect on him.

    You could see that he was really into the annoying comic relief character of Jar Jar Binks. Who I happen to really hate with a passion. But Jar Jar is in the movie to have that effect on kids. There were many parts of the movie little Jonathan was bouncing around in his seat checking out what was happening in the theater not the movie.

    Its ok though, he has been seduced by the hype of the movie. Jonathan all ready has the Darth Maul sandals and bike. Darth Maul by the way has the kind of name that will confuse some Americans. You hear the name Darth Maul said out loud and you might think he is the dark lord of the shopping mall not the Dark lord of the Sith.

    Any way I have faith in the kid, with his tendency to adore everything I do I’m quite sure I will be able to brain wash him into a Star Wars Junkie. Just ask him why he wears socks with his sandals! After I convert Jonathan over to the darkside I have to work on the Izers young one.

    So I have ran out of steam and must bring this to a close. See ya next time.

    Oh yeah I have to say hi to my bud Lumpy who may have finally figured out to pull up my website on his computer. At least that’s what he will claim. I know it was his smart wife that did it. So I say Hi To Dan and Kim.

    Views: 827
    Friday June 11th 1999
    Distracted Male 12:19 pm-
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    Ok I was all set to fire off a few complaints this morning regarding some issues I have with the new gig. They are not anything really horrible now, but if the problems continue it could get ugly. Anyone who has read the website for a while knows that I can climb on the soap box and shout out to the world or anyone who will listen to my insane ravings.

    But, during my ranting at work something distracted me. And the next few lines will be very male-chauvinistic. This couple had checked in, and I had been outside when the guy went in. During my cigarette I noticed this girl that was definitely giving me a very friendly smile. I could only see her from behind the steering wheel so I went back in and fumed some more. Then this beautiful creature came in to see what was taking the putz she was with so long. And again she gave me that flirty smile. She asked if the pool was open and then bounced off.

    It wasn’t to long before I caught her out of the corner of my eye in the pool area. Whew!!! Yowza!!! This one was really put together. She was in a very skimpy bikini that I happened to notice. She did a dive in to the pool and came out thrusting upward from underwater. It was like in some cheesy b-movie. Me and a guest both were caught checking her out. She just gave us a smile and did a few more dive into the water to me and the guests satisfaction. She seemed to enjoy showing herself off for us. So as you can tell I spent most of this post going on about this hot brunette. Very nice.

    Views: 784
    Sunday June 20th 1999
    This And That 5:57 pm-
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    Ok I wasn’t going to comment on this but I figured I probably a expected to. About two weeks ago one of the two auditors at the old hotel quit. I knew about this about a week beforehand. I was sworn to secrecy so I could not comment. And again I was told about a departure a few days before it went public. But Its official and I can laugh my ass off now. Sarah has given the hotel her two week notice. So they have no one that really knows what they are doing there, besides Mosher. I feel for Mosher because it really hard to find someone that can do the audit. Hell, I had problems with it for a while.

    I say congrats to both of the recently departed auditors. Sock it to them. I guess I still have some resentment issues to work out. Oh well. I also want to thank a few of you who I have seen in the real world that have told me they still hit the site every once in a while. Thanks! I’m off to bum fuck Egypt tomorrow. for my training. I’ll be out there with out my connection for weeks at a time and here I just got back online after my month down time.

    Well I’m off to go pick up my second suit. I’m not really in the mood to write so I’m signing off.

    Views: 901
    Saturday June 26th 1999
    Starfleet Command Demo 10:41 am-
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    I was going to write about work, but something more important came up. The game Starfleet Command has been released as a demo version. Wow is all I can say. Its very complex. And it is a lot of fun. I have been waiting for this bad boy for a while. The game is based on the the classic Starfleet Battles board game and captures the feel of it very well. The demo weighs in at 46.9MB or you have an option to download a version of it without voices that is 20.9MB. It worth the longer download time though because you get Captain Sulu as a tutor. You can grab the demo at PC.IGN.COM.

    Views: 1,196
    Sunday June 27th 1999
    Dirty Pleasures? 6:10 am-
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    One of my favorite comic books, Cerebus The Aardvark, had a storyline called Jaka Story. Its about a character named Jaka who is a dancer. It also has a character based on Oscar Wilde, who doesn’t understand what the big deal is about her dancing. One of the plot points is this Oscar finally seeing with his own eyes Jaka dancing. He realizes that what Jaka does is not dirty or filthy, yet a form of art.

    I had that experience tonight. I made it out to the Vegas club. One of my old co-workers happens to dance out there. I always felt that Drake was a very beautiful women, so seeing her the way I did was kind of weird. I never thought I would have blushed seeing her do her thing, yet I blushed no doubt about it. What is it that makes it ok looking at naked females that you don’t know? Why does it change all of the sudden because you know the person in question?

    When you don’t know them its easier to treat them like meat. But I found myself trying to look away when ever she would pass my way. Don’t get me wrong I still think she is a very beautiful women, its just weird because I know her it makes it harder to enjoy looking at her. For the record for those of you that think dancers are stupid let me say that Drake is one of the smartest women I have had the pleasure of meeting. And I’m not saying that just because I have seen her naked. This has been a very weird experience. I almost feel guilty for enjoying it.

    Views: 1,962
    Wednesday June 30th 1999
    This Is A Test 7:33 pm-
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    Well I’m just checking if this works. I have to use plain old HTML, I don’t have my Frontpage 2000 to help me out. Work is going well. It can get a little boring at times. I miss my computer and I miss my computer games. I am really missing Starfleet Command.

    Anyway I going to see South Park: Bigger, Louder, And Uncut tonight. I hope it’s good. If it isn’t bigger, louder, and uncut I’m going to be really pissed off. So I’m signing off for now. You guys send me an e-mail at Turk.

    And I have to say Hi to my dad and the Izers. So Hi gang!

    Views: 933
    June 1999
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