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  • Monday August 5th 2002
    Harpy Of The Year, Again (1998 and 1999) 5:06 am-
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

    Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

    Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

    Harpy Of The Year, Again (1998 and 1999)

    Views: 562
    Friday August 9th 2002
    This And That 2:24 am-
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    Well somehow I managed to lose a days worth of news. Of course not that there was a lot of news in that one day. Regardless of my news lose not much has been going on.

    The news item in question was from the 31st of July and told about how I fucked up the Four F’s. Not really an earth shattering important bit of text.

    What else? I’m not smoking again. I’ve said it so many times now I’m like the boy who cried wolf. It’s going on the start of my forth night smoke free.

    I want to smoke. Or I should say I want to smoke because I have nothing better to do at work. So why don’t one of you hit the comments or the GuestBook or fire me off an to @hotelblues.com. Give a good reason to smoke or not to smoke. One way or another for or against.

    Views: 1,025
    Wednesday August 14th 2002
    Link 1:51 am-
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    Well I went looking for a special link because the front desk has a meeting tomorrow with the pointy haired bosses. Business Buzzword Bingo! is what I found. I’m eager to see if the guy has a vocabulary worthy of this game taken from Dilbert.

    Views: 922
    Friday August 16th 2002
    The GuestBook: Sith Style 1:40 am-
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    After what seems a long time ago in a galaxy far away my good friend Kenan has finally come to my site. It took him long enough. At least I’m assuming it’s Kenan. He’s about the only person I know that would call me a scruffy looking nerf herder. Any way here is the GuestBook entry and picture of Kenan:

    Name: Darklord
    Date: Aug 15, 2002
    where in the darkside of the galaxy is my picture you scruffy-looking nerf herder!

    Kenan Darklord of the Sith!

    Me and him we go way back. This is a place he should come to every day. Now if I can only get him to write for the site. Man that would be good reading.

    Views: 829
    Saturday August 17th 2002
    The GuestBook 2:57 am-
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    Well got some more activity over in the GuestBook again. This time a nice guy and teacher over at the High School signed in. This is my second teacher that I know of. The last time I had a teacher stop in was when I put up the link to the website that tells what the teachers make a year.

    Name: Sean
    Date: Aug 16, 2002
    Site Rating: 8
    Hi Chris!!

    I’m back in school and thought I would check out the site.
    Looks good.

    Just don’t put anything on here that will get me into trouble. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Thechampion.org was the website. I caught a little hell about that. Sean you only give me a rating of 8 out of 10 and expect me not to get you in trouble? I’m just kidding of course.

    The worse I could have done would be to put up a link to your page showing your salary. But I won’t do that. Thanks for stopping by my weird little neck of the internet.

    Views: 1,038
    Sunday August 25th 2002
    I Love My Job 5:13 am-
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    You ever hear those people talk (you know the ones were you work) who say they love their job. Well I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon. I don’t want to left out any more when I talk to these corporate shills. But me being me, I do have one minor variation to this love of the job.

    Ok so I love my job. I love the work I do. It’s the people I hate. And when I say the people, I mean all the people. The customers and the people I work with, I hate them all. I hate the people on the phone. I hate them be it phone reservations or just some lazy fuck calling for bus information.

    So can I be one of those annoying I love my job people? No I didn’t think so. Sometimes I just want to strangle those lying empty pathetic bastards.

    Because I feel that those people who say they love their jobs are liars. Sure maybe sometimes I like my job. Maybe sometimes I may even love my job. Sometimes I even enjoy doing my job. But not all the damn time.

    Liars are bad people and lets not forget that. If a guy tells me they are going to order shirts for the front desk, then they better get their bald ass in gear and order the damn shirts.

    But then I’m just saying this as I think out loud.

    Views: 911
    Friday August 30th 2002
    The GuestBook 4:00 am-
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    Well my old friend Kenan signed the GuestBook again. He was pleased about the photo.

    this web site is now filled with the presence of the dark side.

    You also can find that pic and some other old timers here.

    Views: 744
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