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  • Thursday August 28th 2003
    Webcam S.O.T.D. 11:55 pm-
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    Lets face it folks this Webcam S.O.T.D. thing is getting boring. There is only so many ways a guy can take a picture of an ashtray.


    And of course it’s no fun when they empty the ashtray out. Of course it was a half ass empty. Theres still ashes in the ashtray.

    Views: 890
    Wednesday August 27th 2003
    Webcam S.O.T.D. Returns! 11:06 pm-
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    Well I was off seven days (yes seven) and came back to work happily to find the “rules applying to everyone” still. So to commemorate the start of me working seven days in a row I give you the start of seven days worth of Webcam S.O.T.D.

    Five Six

    All I can say about the first picture is at least it’s not hidden under the desk any more. The second picture is to keep the playing field even. Here is my attempt making sure the rules don’t apply to everyone.

    Views: 929
    Wednesday August 20th 2003
    Webcam S.O.T.D. 1:22 am-
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    It’s a special Webcam S.O.T.D. this time around. Two pictures which are a tool for me to teach everyone a word that fits this situation. Hypocrisy is the word and here are the two pictures:

    Three Four

    The first picture is a sign that says non-smoking room, which we all know it isn’t because we have the second picture of the used ashtray hidden under the desk still.

    Hypocrisy ladies and gentlemen plain and simple.

    Views: 1,031
    Monday August 18th 2003
    Webcam S.O.T.D. 11:19 pm-
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    I was kind of worried I would get any more good webcam shots. But I had faith and good peripheral vision and so it’s my pleasure to bring you the second Webcam S.O.T.D. (shot of the day):


    This one is great because it’s the old “hide it under the desk and no one will know about it” shot.

    Views: 806
    Saturday August 16th 2003
    Everyone? 10:43 pm-
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    So the other day we had an employee meeting. Lots of things were discussed and overall it was a good meeting. I say this not as a brown nose or as an ass kiss. “The Consultant” handled the meeting in a manner that I thought was what the employee morale needed.

    And a few areas of importance were covered. Most important to me (and something that is a hot topic) was the issue of smoking in the building. As it is the management does not want employees smoking in the building. Which is cool. But my thing is I want to make sure that if I have to follow the rules everybody has to follow the rules.

    Which is why I asked “does the no smoking rule apply to everyone?” Which to me is only fair. Which also brings me to announce a new feature to the site. It will be a semi regular webcam shot of the day. And to kick it off I have a “rules applying to everyone” webcam shot. And it’s beautiful.


    Of course it makes you wonder if “rules apply to everyone” means something different in manager speak? I’m looking forward for more exciting webcam shots. And I know there will be more.

    Views: 1,092
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