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  • Thursday February 28th 2008
    This And That 2:04 am-
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    Been a while. I’m updating for the sole reason being I’m taking WordPress 2.5 Beta 1 for a spin here on my live site. I like some of the changes to the backend. Only a few things about the write and edit pages I don’t like. I love the changes to the actual edit box on the write/edit post pages. Now I just need someone to come up with a dropdown menu plugin that is compatible with 2.5 and I’m all good.

    Views: 1,278
    Friday February 29th 2008
    Bad Dream 12:20 am-
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    Here is the nightmare I had:

    It starts out like some hot sex dream. Harpy Number One is naked and ready and willing. She smiles as I take my clothes off. When I’m naked she starts to laugh and says “You have a little dick!” laughing so hard she falls off the bed. Which is when I wake up.

    What the fuck is my subconscious trying to tell me here?

    Views: 978
    My Emo 360 5:15 am-
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    My 360 is emo. At least according to my 360voice.com blog I signed up for when I got it:

    I have come to realize that turk1701 has no soul… and his heart is a twisted black mass of evil. To never play a game is my new eternity!

    Poor thing. It’s not my fault there isn’t anything I want to play that has come out since Mass Effect.

    Views: 1,346
    February 2008
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