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  • Thursday August 6th 2009
    Wishful IM’s 12:01 am-
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    I get this kind of im and always hope it will turn out true:

    [18:52] <Name Removed>: thought you might like to know about the ramada… the employee’s paychecks have started bouncing. So they should permanently close their doors soon… =)

    I’m not going to hold my breath. But I sure will say a prayer for the worst hotel ever’s demise.

    Views: 802
    Taxes On Track 12:16 am-
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    Bad news for me good news for the worst hotel ever in a Business Rockford articles called Ramada Inn’s taxes back on track.

    The previous owners had failed to pay their bills to the city since October and were facing foreclosure.

    And as long as the new manager, Zar Zaid, keeps making the payments on time, the city will not revoke the hotel’s liquor license.

    I have faith that this Zar Zaid will continue to fuck things up and the worst hotel ever will resume it’s swirl down the toliet.

    Views: 806
    Friday August 14th 2009
    This Is Gay 2:18 am-
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    This is the gayest thing ever:

    Jock Cheerleader GamerGuy

    What a bunch of faggots. And yeah I don’t give a shit if I’m offending these gays/faggots/dykes. Grow a pair. It’s just words. Slang words on top of that. I’m surprised these guys never heard the childhood saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

    And for the record here is my count (not counting this post) of how many times I’ve used these words on my blog:

    Dyke shows up just once.
    Faggot shows up seven times
    Gay shows up more than 15 times

    All of these terms are used in replacement for words dumb or stupid. The exception being the Starbuck post. I still say the chick looks like a dyke.

    Views: 771
    Tuesday August 18th 2009
    Burn Baby Burn 8:07 am-
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    The worst hotel ever is on fire. The below pictures were taken just 20 minutes ago:

    Fire-001 Fire-002 Fire-003 Fire-004

    The title is just a dream of mine unfortunately. The real story is that the worst hotel ever just had a clothes dryer have a small fire. That was coming from the guy parked next to me who was listening to a scanner. This little dryer fire had South Beloit, Rockton, and Beloit fire departments come to the scene.

    I do admit I got my hopes up when I came down the road from the interstate and saw fire trucks at the hotel. I still hope that one way or another that damn worst hotel ever gets whats coming to it.

    Views: 905
    Thursday August 20th 2009
    Hotel Fail 2:07 am-
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    I had to go get a crib for a guest and this below is what I saw:

    Hotel Fail 1 Hotel Fail 2

    It made me think of the pictures the Fail Blog has. I imagine you got to blame dumb bellman. I’m glad whomever did it can’t read. It gave me a good laugh.

    Views: 974
    August 2009
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