Here is a Beloit Daily News item I missed all day today because I’ve been wanting to get my hands on Morrowind. The Daily News served up another one of it’s trademark articles. An article with the five dollar handle “Ramada sold at auction to unnamed buyer!” Per the usual with these items it’s been reported without the guy who wrote it getting an inside source.
Here is the snip from this informative gem:
“The purchaser has requested anonymity and Amcore intends to honor that request,” said Amcore Bank Vice President of Special Assets Ron Carlson. “I thought this was … very good for the community. I also thought it was great for the purchaser.”
Carlson said the buyer was from the Stateline Area, and indicated he would continue operating a hotel on the property. The new owner would take over the property within 30 to 45 days, Carlson said.
So this Mr. Anonymous spent less than 2.3 million to get the hotel. A local guy who can throw that kind of money around. The article also states how First Rockford Group looked into picking up our hotel, but didn’t even enter a bid because of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) issues we have.
In the coming 30 to 45 days it will be fun to see just how much of this press release will turn out to be in fact absolute bullshit. Not that I think the Daily News would kiss ass with some high rollers, no they are reporters. I would be willing that Mr. Anonymous isn’t local. And maybe Mr. Anonymous has a reason he doesn’t want his name released. But then what do I know?