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  • Wednesday August 1st 2007
    EQ2 Audio 5:13 am-
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    Teamspeak audio from me and my nephew playing eq2. The mp3 begins right after I tell the kid to tell uncle lumpy to go fuck himself after he had hassled my nephew about playing games to long.

    ian-eq2.mp3 (837.2 KiB, 75 hits)

    I often forget how the kids take my word like I know what I’m talking about. On the subject of lumpy I suppose I am. Fuck him. My favorite part is when my best friend gets on the mic to chastise me.

    zJWEbUe NiXetp D YKrg L
    Views: 923
    Monday June 3rd 2002
    EverQuesting! 6:08 am-
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    The last time I put one tiny shot of my poor dumb human warrior from EverQuest. Here are three shots of me and my prestigious patron. These are from the computer at work and they are at 800×600:

    One Two

    I’m having more fun playing EverQuest this time. Now if I could only get my PC at home to start working again. I’m picking up a hard drive this morning. So I hope that will do the trick.

    Of QX
    Views: 878
    Wednesday October 3rd 2001
    Evercrack! 6:49 pm-
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    Well I went and picked up the Everquest Trilogy and a Everquest Game Card. I’ve been doing nothing but play Everquest since yesterday. It is slightly addictive if your into this kind of hack and slash rpg type game.

    Here is a shot of my pathetic Level 5 Warrior named Raethdar:


    I couldn’t get any names that I wanted. They were all taken. So my dude is Raethdar. A few time I forgot to respond to people talking to me because of my kinda gay name. I don’t really know if I dig this Everquest thing yet.

    It’s kind of like how I feel about Enterprise. That new Star Trek show, that doesn’t have the words Star Trek in the title. I will be watching it tonight. I just don’t like the singing in the opening music. Time will tell if it’s any good.

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