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  • Friday October 1st 1999
    Pizza Hut Delivers 11:44 pm-
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    This really hasn’t got any thing to do with the hotel biz, but this is too classic to pass up. Pizza Hut has reportedly agreed to pay 2.5 million dollars to Russia for permission to paint a giant Pizza Hut logo on the side of the spacecraft. I mean, come on, who the hell is their market base for this one? Martians? Read the full story. Here is a snippet:

    He refused to name the exact price. Company officials had wanted to use lasers to shine a giant logo on to the surface of the moon, but they started looking for an alternative promotional idea when they learnt that the image would have to be as big as Texas to be seen by earthlings more than 380,000 kilometers (238,000 miles) away.

    Views: 680
    Friday October 29th 1999
    A Lazy Reprint 10:25 am-
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    Ok because I have been such a lazy bastard as of late I decided to take the easy way out by throwing up some content that’s damn near a year old. I thought up this crazy thing one night at work last year around this time. And I always love the classic Star Trek episode “Mirror ,Mirror”. You know the one where Kirk and company get zapped into a alternate reality were everything is opposite of the world they came from. Ok so I’m a Star trek geek.

    The following is a fine example of my twisted sense of humor. You have to keep in mind that my mind set has changed a little since then. Some of it needs a setup. Spider who is mentioned in the following stuff was/is my alter ego that I created for the sole purpose of making fun of the management of the hotel without me catching flak over it. I have always felt not enough people responded to it so that’s another excuse for me reprinting it.

    I also have to say hi to Curt from the kitchen who has finally joined those of us who are cyber-savvy. Curt has made me feel terribly guilty for not updating the site in such a long time. So hi Curt. Also if any of the Ross’s happen to still hit the page hi to you guy’s too. I have been just as bad with my e-mail as I have with the web page. If Jeff or Jen happen to read this I’m sorry for being so lazy lately. And I need Jeff’s e-mail address again, because I lost it when I had my trouble with the Linux OS.

    Views: 761
    October 1999
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