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  • Friday June 29th 2001
    This And That 7:18 pm-
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    Ok I just got back from the movies. I went and saw the flick AI (Artificial intelligence). More on that in a bit. First up is the fact I have done a little change behind the curtains. Most of you won’t even notice. I have gave up on the Microsoft product Frontpage. I now use a nifty little perl script called NewsPro. You may or may not notice that their is also a little thing that says comments. With this I get what I have always been faking with the use of my Forum. The little comment thing allows you the reader to post comments on what I write. And if people do comment the comment thingie will tell the current number of comments posted. You don’t have to be a registered user to do this.

    The other neat thing about Newspro, is that it makes it easy for others to write for the site. That is if that ever happens in the future. I hope you enjoy the changes. The only bad thing is that when NewsPro puts old news into its self generated Archive it list them in order of newest post to oldest. A minor little thing that just really bothers the hell out of me.

    Now AI was a weird flick. I don’t really know what I think. I may have to go and see it again. Its a Steven Spielberg movie based on something the late Stanley Kurbrick was going to do. And the movie does have that Kurbrick 2001 feel. I will have to wait and see what others say. Post a comment and let me know.

    Views: 829
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