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  • Monday January 5th 2004
    Long Live The Consultant! 11:27 pm-
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    The consultant is dead, long live the consultant! The consultant was only mentioned twice directly. The first time I wrote about the consultant it was only obvious to me. In fact if you read that first post that was all about my first meeting with the guy, my feelings now may be apparent. And what are my feelings about the consultant now? Simply that I outlasted another one of the people that come to the hotel to change it for the better. Not that the consultant didn’t make changes for the better. Thanks to the consultant I’m able to smoke in back without reprimand. Other than the now discarded Points System, I guess that was all that the consultant did really. But really that is enough isn’t it?

    Views: 757
    Sunday January 4th 2004
    Points No More 12:05 am-
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    It didn’t even last as long as I had thought it would. It’s funny really. The Points System only really lasted for a month and a half. I figured this pseudo rewards system would go on for at least a year. I knew it was coming when they took down the one from December and didn’t put up a new one. It really is to bad, as I took the time to work this whole points system into my site layout. You can find the previous two months here and here. The current one can still be found here.

    It seems I will be receiving a 10 buck gift card from Best Buy for the points I got for fixing the spyware problem. Which is a nice gesture, but as I explained to the front desk manager it is not necessary. As always if the hotel wants to reward their employees all they need to do is give us raises. But what can you do?

    If they really want to reward me they can start the new schedule as I’ve discussed with the front desk manager. Working Sunday through Thursday would make me a very happy employee. That’s 40 hours a week, every week. That would be a step in the right direction. In fact that is the only way to make me happy. Because I know I won’t be getting a raise.

    Views: 980
    Friday December 19th 2003
    Spyware & Viruses 4:18 am-
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    So the Spyware problem I wrote about yesterday got me ten whole points. No one can tell what I can get with my points, which just supports my claim that this “points system” is just in place for punishment.

    Now the spyware problem isn’t over. In fact it was a lot worse than I had suspected. The spyware coexisted with viruses. Besides the hundreds of little bits of spyware the computer in question (Node 3) had 12 viruses on it. I managed to clean out the virus’s after a few hours of fucking with it. There was one that was very persistent and wouldn’t die easily. It would spawn other viruses in fact. The virus in question was named TalkStocks.F (also known as Downloader.MSCache) and is a Trojan Horse.

    The spyware problem isn’t solved on Node 3. In fact it is going to be a problem for a long time. The last remnants of spyware on that pc won’t go away. This shit is some stuff from N-Case and Bargain Buddy. You can run good old Ad-aware and it cleans the shit out, until you reboot and then it’s all back. Thankfully the pc I use (Node 1) is crystal clear. And that’s the way it’s going to stay. If I have to lock it down I will.

    It’s funny about the viruses though. These pc’s we have came with McAffe VirusScan. Of course McAffe didn’t detect shit as far as virus’s. It’s funny of course because I downloaded AVG Free Edition and got the virus problem taken care of. Which is a great compliment to this free piece of software, which to me functions better than either McAffe or Norton.

    And personally if it were up to me I would fire whomever it was that caused all of these problems. I don’t care if this is a case of ignorance. This shit is unacceptable. Hundreds of spyware, dozens of viruses all of which a business would not want. God forbid any of our clientele found out how insecure we are at this hotel because of computer incompetent employees.

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