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  • Sunday September 27th 1998
    Who The Fuck Is Iggy? 3:00 am-
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    Found this bizarre shit in my GuestBook:

    EVIL-Laugh!! HAHA…The dark side of the lowly hotel ranks..HAHAHA!!

    I Just have to say that as I ran through the pages of this GREAT invention, that obviously has come from a mind that must reach the far depths of comedic genius.(.that only the Three Stooges could even come close to compare,) that I found myself Rolling o the floor in the midst of all of the crap that has been laid out before me during my employment at this FINE establishment! I do have to say that although it is messy..the floor…I found myself loosing it over and over..This is a wonderful outlet for u poor abused souls..who just so happen to be digenerate enough to understand it. Well kiddies..time for me to get ready for High School..ooops I mean work…Thanks to Turk for all of the great satirism..I truly believe we have come into the deep dark unk own ..sometimes called oblivion when we think about our place in this joyride called Holiday Hell..(snicker) Leaving with quote of wisdom: If you are mentally confused and prone to wandering: HAVE WE GOT A JOB FOR YOU!!~author not known…even to himself.


    I guess its ok to have the weirdo fanatic element in force on this page. Especially since the Asshole are trying to fuck with my freedom of speech and press. You go Iggy, you crazy bastard. Write back.

    Views: 979
    Friday October 9th 1998
    About Iggy 3:00 am-
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    And if anyone remembers when I mentioned that crazy Iggy a while back I finally got to meet Iggy in person. That crazy goddamned Iggy! I tell you this person is a loon. A total maroon!

    Views: 828
    Saturday October 10th 1998
    Iggy Returns 3:00 am-
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    Iggy has the floor:

    Well I have to say thanks to Turk for pointing out the fact that he now knows my identity..WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?? Okay..so you know I can’t keep my mouth shut..and you know that I have a great time messing with you Turk..you are a smartass and other than me I am impressed that someone else could also be so lucky to have been blessed with this trait. I have now invented my own TRADEMARK called the SMARTASS ATTITUDE. You see the smartass attitude is derived from the works of many of our forefather’s who tried to establish the great art of obtaining the SMARTASS ATTITUDE. But as we know it takes time for all good things to come to term..and NOW it is time to Have the SMARTASS ATTITUDE perfected!! SO SMARTASSES, Unite..and I give you the power to continue on with the SMARTASS ATTITUDE (how the fuck do i put in the TM?? LOL) And since I invented the SMARTASS ATTITUDE.. was kind enough to look it up in the dictionary to find out if it did all of us justice with the SMARTASS ATTITUDE. Upon futher examination here is what I found: First off did you know that the word SMARTASS First appeared in 1964?? hmmm..let’s see Sounds like a woman was behind that one too….So I proceeded to go forth and look at what the word SMART (first part of the word smartass for those of you asleep) was defined as…I found this very interesting: An Obnoxiously conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions to smartness or cleverness. (sound like a smartass?) Brisk, spirited, knowledgable, shrewd, witty, clever, pert, saucy, sophisticated and last but not least, being a guided missile. Well that is my fair share of defense in the honor of all Smartass’s, who can, if they choose, share in my desire to pursue my right to carry on the SMARTASS ATTITUDE (TM) I also think the definition above could be also noted as possibly the new HARPY THEME SONG (TM). Okay as now I am done going off on my tangem, I do have to say that I will carry my SMARTASS ATTITUDE(TM) by all means with me at all times..and if the big boys in their Hotel closets ever want to give us shit again…We can pull out our ATTITUDES and Fuck them all in the ass..for now we have something they can never possess….SMART FUCKING ATTITUDES!! Okay Turk..just wanted you to know I am still here and still behind you in your webpage..Keep it up buddy..it is great!!! And I want to personally buy each and every one of the TOILET PAPER KINGS lunch for their heroic efforts at beautifying our Hotel..Nice job..too bad it didn’t work..HAHA!! IGGY

    Enough said!!!

    Views: 824
    Tuesday October 20th 1998
    SICK AND TIRED 3:00 am-
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    SO the “non-excrement type” says that he has only seen the site once?? HA HA HA!!! You know I have to talk here…I AM SO SICK AND TIRED of the cover-ups and the fear of being a “smart” individual in this place!! I don’t get it. What is the harm looking at this site could possibly do for your job? The harm was already done when you were hired!! HA HA!! In the real world most people don’t have to condemn others and boast about what they do to prove they are a competent worker. Unfortunately there must have been some clause in our application and hiring papers that said “upon employment you will find the incredible desire to spread gossip about others and to build yourself up by tearing others down” It must have been there because everyone is following this supposed rule. I just feel that if looking at this site is such a shame, then you aren’t worthy enough to look at it in the first place….brains are a requirement anyway. and besides I think the bathroom isn’t found on a webpage.. Not this one anyway. So excrement…guess what…you don’t belong here. so get out. WE HAVE PLACES YOU CAN’T and SHOULDN’T ENTER NOW…how does it feel?

    Views: 868
    Monday December 7th 1998
    Really Mad! 3:00 am-
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    Okay…I have to say that I am really mad. Someone put me up on this soapbox..and I am going to use it to my full benefit! Why on earth would an employee of six years be let go? Come on…how many of you can do the audit? How many of you Know exactly what you are doing. Hey okay the guy doesn’t have that “gay” style to him..Maybe that was the reason..Maybe he just didn’t bend over enough…I don’t know. But I do know this, Maybe he went to far giving out the password..maybe it was his right to freedom of speech..but either way..the fact remains that good employees are hard to come by..ones that stick around anyway..and You know sometimes it is fun being a pain in everyone’s ass if that is how you feel he was. But being a pain in the ass of some Manager types is no reason to fire an employee. Sometimes we can all do things or say things that we regret later..but after six years of employment I believe that you are entitled to some mistakes…of course then again..maybe some of the “manager” types have not made these whimsical errors..or they have forgotten conveniently that they do. I am sooo mad about this whole situation..and shocked. Turk made so many people feel welcomed and comfortable at our hotel. He gave the best that he had..and took the worst from so many. It is no wonder that this webpage came about. And you know without rebels in our society..what kind of place would it be? I for one would not like to be the one living in it..Some of the most Intelligent people in this world..who paved the way for change and diversity…were Rebels…Think about that while you are drinking your coffee and sucking up to the “Man”…and in the famous last words of One guy who thought he bought an apple farm..”That’s all I got to say about that”

    Views: 930
    Monday January 4th 1999
    The X-mas Party? 11:58 am-
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    Iggy suggested this great idea in the GuestBook:

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas, Turk! Best wishes come your way for the New Year, too! Miss ya lots! Hey how about you come to the Christmas party on Jan 10th at 6pm??? I am sure there is someone out there who would take you as a guest!! :) Ohh what a time that would be!! Well until we speak again: Fair weather my friend!!

    I’m not to sure the assholes in charge would want or let me go. Somebody find out and let me know.

    Views: 888
    Thursday March 4th 1999
    Can’t Keep My Mouth Shut 2:43 pm-
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    Hey Bud!! Finally made it back to your website. Am glad to be here. wanted to let you know that I have missed ya! OK..juicy gossip shit, well the crap is still high in the ol hotel, I too am finding my way out the same door you did. Can’t keep my mouth shut I guess..he he..never could! I am sorry..but my mouth does not reach down to the grounds that their asses hang on. At any rate, the hotel is rather boring…aside from the little trysts that happen between employees, it is just plain ol boring. Well anyway..just wanted to let ya know that you are still alive and well in my book..and you can keep dishing out the shit..I love every minute of it!! :) Take care bud…and hope to talk to you soon..

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