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  • Tuesday August 21st 2001
    Steers & Queers 3:08 am-
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    Hey with a title like this can you guess that I’m talking about the state of Texas? And of course it’s a reference to Full Metal Jacket. Where is this going you may ask? Well it’s the latest poop on the hotel being sold.

    It seems that a group from the state of Texas is looking to pick us up. And the headline pretty much sums up how I feel about people from Texas. And remember this is how I feel about these fucks from Texas. If in the future you read stuff with me saying otherwise, well that’s me lying ok? Well that’s how I feel about people from Texas looking to buy the hotel.

    So if these boys come in and buy us, it seems that they will be changing us over to another brand. Fuck that I say. I’m not learning another computer system. Unless it’s a windows based operating system. You should see this old unix clunker we have.

    The other thing about switching brands is that I will loose my status. What I mean is right now I’m the only one who knows how to the do the audit. I’m valuable. But with a new system I’m just another peon again.

    You also may ask is it a good idea to come out and bad mouth our prospective buyers? Fuck them cowboys I say. This is the last hotel I’m going to work at. I hate this goddamned industry. And on a subconscious level I think I want to get fired again. The website that got one man fired twice and can do the same for you. Gosh that has a nice ring to it.

    Views: 1,111
    Saturday August 25th 2001
    Rumor No More 4:51 am-
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    On the 21st of this month I talked about the rumor of the hotel getting sold. The Beloit Daily News had a interesting article in yesterday’s paper called Panel told sale near at Holiday Inn hotel which pretty much ends the rumor. It seems it’s now a matter of time before we get sold. Here is the obligatory quote:

    “The intent is to keep it a Holiday Inn and retain all of its current employees.”

    Sure, though I think us by the hour peons are ok. The article also mentions how they plan to stay with the same brand. Time will tell.

    Views: 999
    Monday September 3rd 2001
    More Steers And Queers 10:49 pm-
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    I have mentioned the hotel getting sold a few times. First here and then here. I had a hard time finding the guys that are buying us on the Internet. I was given the website address of the prospective buyers by a person who did not want to be named. If you have the chance go see the guy’s from Texas website.

    Before I comment on the cowboy’s website. Let me say I am no expert on this stuff. I have a small artistic background. I think I have some artistic common sense (I don’t know what else to call it). And I don’t think my site is perfect.

    With that having been said, the cowboy’s website is the most pathetic site I have seen. These boys from Texas are supposed to be a fancy hotel management company. I expected something more professional. It looks like a kid did it. Seriously go take a look. The music the pages play, well it makes me want to smash out my speakers and maybe run them over with my car just for good measure.

    It doesn’t say much about their company. I’m worried about these fucks from Texas now.

    Views: 931
    Tuesday September 11th 2001
    Clear On This 3:33 am-
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    Since the hotel I work at is now mentioned three times on the cowboy’s website (here, here, and here) I decided to make a statement on how I feel about them. Just so I’m clear on this.

    I think it is great that such a wonderful company is coming in to manage our hotel. It is a breath of fresh air. Knowing that this company will bring success to the hotel fills me with joy.

    And despite what you may have read elsewhere, I have no problem with the new management. Any references you have read with me making reference to the phrase steers and queers, well disregard all that. We all know what comes from Texas. Wonderful management companies, ok? Not steers and queers.

    Views: 748
    Monday September 17th 2001
    Their All Pussies! 5:31 am-
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    So we had a meeting on the 17th. In this meeting one of the cowboy’s let the employee’s in on what had happened. At six in the morning on 12th we were no longer under the management of the Old Owners. The bank now owns us, with these cowboy fucks managing.

    The cowboy that is here did a little speech in which he told us about the wonderful company in which we all work. His speech and the questions he answered were nothing but empty bullshit filled rhetoric.

    He then asked al the employee’s to stand up to introduce themselves and to promise to give good service. Everyone of them pussy managers (and peons) stood up and told this fuck what he wanted to hear. When it came my turn I stood up and told him my name and said “I won’t promise anything. I will do my job.” That’s all I can do. We all have our good days and our bad days. I do my job. No more, no less.

    The managers are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It’s amazing how this kind of thing can light a fire under their asses. It is funny to note that the GM was fired just a few days later. And the GM was one of those who boisterously promised good service. This new company are bigger fucks than the previous ones.

    Views: 903
    Monday October 22nd 2001
    TOUCHDOWN 7:05 pm-
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    Fuck me. I’m really trying to be a “team” player. But I’m doing really bad. I’m not a team player. It’s one of those fact things. Anyway here is what my “coach” had to say (and this is supposed to be a pep talk, I think):

    I am the Coach of the Team, I would coach, teach and train all of you to make the TOUCHDOWN. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS GOING TO MAKE THE TOUCHDOWN. TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US MEANS A HAPPY AND SATISFIED GUEST.

    “TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US…” Oh Jesus H. Christ. I have read this two page note (that among other things says we are switching brands) many times and I still don’t feel inspired to be one of the team.

    “TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US…” does that sound foreign to you? Just wondering. If you could only see the insipid coach who wrote this dreck. Sorry that was a random thought.

    “Coach” also has an ad in the paper for night auditors. This has my Grandma all shook up (Uh-Huh). Me? I don’t know how I feel. It’s not sending that team vibe to me.

    Speaking of getting lots of team spirit (or the lack hereof) I got paid today. I had about 56 hours total and cleared 23,234.20 Pakistani rupees (Remember this isn’t something I’m supposed to talk about). I went with Pakistani rupees to be different. That means I make 542.13 Pakistani rupees a hour. Whoo! This neat Currency Conversion thing is fun.

    Views: 2,338
    Wednesday October 24th 2001
    Liars In The News 2:14 am-
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    Hotel management seeking feedback is the link of the day. This BDN headline of course pertains to some of the things I have spoken of time from time. Read the article and note the lies. There are many so be prepared.

    First lie:

    Once a week, training sessions are held to help employees understand the importance of getting feedback from the people who stay in the hotel and use the restaurant, bar, banquet rooms and meeting rooms…Improving service is a priority.

    This is funny because I have yet to get any training. Next we got this one:

    “We have to train and coach…”

    Here is this putz’s football reference continued. Yeah coach me asshole. And Finally here is the last one and it is a dozy:

    However, he didn’t say when a decision whether or not to change the name of the hotel would be made.

    Say goodbye to Holiday Inn. It’s gone. Waiting for them to come and take the sign down. I got the camera loaded.

    Views: 1,043
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