I’m to tired of the subject to honestly keep the drama mode going. The Ex Hotel Guy still says what he told me is true and I believe him. But again it comes down to the fact I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Fire me if you want. Jesus I think it’s even funnier just that this person is excited to shit can me. Must give this person great pleasure in the thought of firing me. I wonder if they fantasize about showing me the hatch?
I guess this all just baffles me really. I happen to think I do my job well. Granted I admit I fucking hate the job (well the people really, not the job) and the whole hospitality industry. But I can handle the guests and I don’t crack under pressure. Sure I’m not the most friendly guy (to my fellow employees) in the world. In fact I’m sure a lot of people think I’m an asshole or a sonofabitch. And maybe I am. I don’t know really.
So if I get fired what then? Well I’m sure I’ll have a nice long paid vacation like last time. I’ll probably play Dark Age of Camelot 24/7 or whatever mmorpg is out at the time if not Camelot. When unemployment runs out I’ll get a job. And I highly doubt it will be in the hotel business. I will most likely end up in the hard world of the working man. No more of this desk job for me after this I think. I have a good friend that would try to get me into his workplace.
I’ll of course miss the hotel. I’ve always had a love hate relationship with the place. It was a lot of fun to work there six or seven years ago. But that really was a different time and place. Which is one of the reasons I really don’t get all shook up by this getting fired talk. I’ve been fired by better people than this current management. I’m past my prime there anyway.
I’m actually toying with the idea of quitting on them. None of this pussy two weeks notice shit either. If I quit it will be at a time when it’s a greatest inconvenience to these people that want to fire me. I’ll come in (because calling on the phone is gay) for my normal shift and tell the person that I’m all done. And that will be it.