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  • Tuesday August 5th 2008
    Hotel Ad 5:48 am-
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    Here is some hot amateur porn skank in an ad for Extended Stay Hotels:

    I just can’t stop watching this chick. The Extended Stay Hotels has even more videos of the chick licking shit. Click the blue room key. I got something I would like her to lick.

    The Youtube video has been taken down. Here are some handy screen caps I took:

    ExtStay Girl Licking Toilet ExtStay Girl

    It even looks like the official website with the videos are gone.

    Views: 3,586
    Thursday August 21st 2008
    My 360 Is Died? 2:39 pm-
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    Well my Xbox 360 is getting three rings of death. Which pisses me off. I just picked up Too Human. A game which despite the hype is kinda fun. My console is out of warranty. But for shits and giggles I filed a repair order with Microsoft. I’ve got 20 days after getting the box from them to send it back before the order is deleted. There is a chance I maybe covered because of the three rings problem I seem to be having. This sucks.

    Seems to be working again. I get the box on the 25th. Hopefully it keeps working.

    Views: 943
    Friday August 22nd 2008
    High School Friend 6:08 am-
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    If you’re from Las Vegas and you went to High School with me, this is for you. Everyone else ignore.

    See I know you’re looking around here. I can see where people are from. You’re the only person in or around the Vegas area that I know who would do searches for the stuff you searched for. I can’t imagine what you think of me now you been inside my head. I didn’t mean to blow you off. Honestly. It wasn’t you. It was when we talked on the phone when I was at work. We talked about class reunions and how it would be fun to see how people we went to school with didn’t do as good as us. Something like that. I got to thinking, jesus I’m probably the least successful person in our class. That idea just freaked me out. It’s dumb really. I just didn’t know what to say if I came over. I’m the same. I’ve never changed. Probably never will change.

    I like to think that shit doesn’t bother me. But it does. Anyway. I’ve got your number still. I just was too chicken to call. Sounds like I’m in high school still. So drop me a line if you’re not super pissed off at me. You can use the Contact Turk page to email me.

    Views: 828
    August 2008
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