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  • Monday January 3rd 2011
    Work Bitch Post #2 12:57 am-
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    I gave the new girl her exit interview. Not official in any way of course. The main thing that stood out for me is the reason the young lady is quitting. It’s funny really. She said she has a degree in HR and that her experience here at this hotel has made her change what she thought was her career path.

    See the poor thing was trained in a matter of days. I remember a time when people were trained for weeks or in some cases months. This hotel is taking the worst hotel ever approach as of late and gives all trainees balls to the wall training in just a few days. The girl who this was her last day said she felt like half the time she didn’t know what she was doing. It’s a shame.

    She also confirmed my suspicion that they (they always equals management) don’t inform new people about this retarded you have to stay until your relief has counted their cash thing rule. A while ago this was put in place because someone stole money from the change drawer. To combat this evil theft they decided to treat their employees like children and enforced this fucking stupid you stay until the next shift counts their money rule. This will not stop stupid people from stealing from the workplace.

    Even better when you realize they have cameras they are to lazy to move to watch all of us nasty employees.

    Camera 01 Camera 02

    I mean if they really wanted to make sure the money wasn’t being stolen from their own employees turn that camera a bit and the issue is resolved. But I suspect they are honestly to lazy to turn the camera or too cheap to buy a new camera.

    After having to deal with the idiot for so long at the worst hotel ever I just may be a little crazy about wanting to leave at my scheduled time. This craziness was explained to my boss before he hired me at my interview with him. So now I have to call the wisconsin department of labor and find out if they can fire me for leaving at the time they scheduled me to leave. This is almost a worst hotel ever level of retardeness.

    Views: 2,003
    Tuesday January 4th 2011
    iPod Touch Games 12:01 am-
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    So I got myself a new iPod Touch with my X-Mas money. It’s so awesome just having sound. The 4th gen is really something. You can go over here to see the Apple site describing the device. Below you can find some screens of Aralon and Rage HD.

    Aralon is Oblivion and Morrowind mushed down into an iPod Touch game.

    aralon-001 aralon-002 aralon-003 aralon-004

    Rage is a little game from id Software. You may have heard of id before. Rage is an on the rails shooter. Despite that it’s still fun.

    rage-001 rage-002

    I will add more as I remember. Here are some shots of Infinity Blade, a game one should have at the least to be able to show off what a iPod Touch Generation 4 can do.

    inf-blade-001.jpg inf-blade-006.jpg inf-blade-009.jpg inf-blade-014.jpg

    Views: 2,048
    Monday January 31st 2011
    Real Filth 7:47 pm-
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    I was watching Californication onĀ  Netflix and had this exchange with Gawain which shows just how different we are musically:

    [02:13] Turk: is cradle of filth real? the annoying voiced daughter mentioned them just now?
    [02:13] Turk: I thought it crowd made that up
    [02:13] Gawain: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    [02:14] Gawain: yes, cradle of filth is a very very famous goth band. Everyone but you knows who they are. You kill me sometimes.

    Honestly I thought it was a joke name made up by the IT Crowd writers. I looked at the wiki page and I just don’t care that I don’t know about a “very very” famous goth band.

    Views: 5,062
    January 2011
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