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  • Saturday January 2nd 1999
    Snow! Snow! Snow! 9:31 pm-
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    Happy holidays. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. I wanted to say hi to Al Anon, who has a secret friend. And then I have a strange fucker who signs the GuestBook Loveless. Go the fuck away. You disgust me. You are not funny and you make me sick. Get out of here! You have been erased. You fill my GuestBook with that shit I will keep on deleting it. Get a life.

    Harpy of the year goes to Number Six. As soon as I get a good picture, up she goes. She wins with 25 votes. Number 12 had one vote. And Number four gets two. Maybe next time girls.

    Views: 913
    Monday January 4th 1999
    The X-mas Party? 11:58 am-
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    Iggy suggested this great idea in the GuestBook:

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas, Turk! Best wishes come your way for the New Year, too! Miss ya lots! Hey how about you come to the Christmas party on Jan 10th at 6pm??? I am sure there is someone out there who would take you as a guest!! :) Ohh what a time that would be!! Well until we speak again: Fair weather my friend!!

    I’m not to sure the assholes in charge would want or let me go. Somebody find out and let me know.

    Views: 888
    Thursday January 7th 1999
    Too Serious 3:00 pm-
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    This bit is for a certain reader who recently wrote me apologizing for a joke on their part. For one thing I have as of late taken my self to serious, so naturally I did not see the humor in others. Don’t worry about saying your sorry. I in my time have wrote some offensive shit and I don’t make it a habit of apologizing. Sure I have said I’m sorry for some of the stuff. But there is a bit of my writings that I have aimed like a gun at an unsuspecting target. And that stuff I would never say I’m sorry for. Never apologize its a sign of weakness.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, is that I miss some of you guys. I have lost touch with my shrinking readership. I don’t have contact with the general population any more so I don’t know if my stuff still makes an impact. I have been on a sabbatical of sorts.

    By the way my posting of the Harpy of the year is up.

    Views: 1,072
    Friday January 8th 1999
    Harpy Of The Year 3:23 am-
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    The Harpy of the year is up. Go and look.

    Views: 785
    Saturday January 9th 1999
    Poor Thing 12:33 am-
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    I heard from one of my informants that the poor FDM is working the night of X-mas party. I feel so sorry for the little bitch. Wait I’m sorry hell of a guy. Oops Spider is being bad. Some one tell my mom dad I’m being bad.

    Views: 861
    Wednesday January 13th 1999
    Computer Envy 8:39 pm-
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    I would like to say a big hello to Ericka and Scott who are the proud owners of a beautiful Pentium 2. I of course am very jealous of the two of you, my computer is a plain jane Pentium (no MMX even). Very nice computer, its a Gateway to boot.

    Views: 1,029
    Thursday January 14th 1999
    Do You Know Jack? 4:18 am-
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    I have to say I was very surprised to find out I actually liked playing You don’t know Jack. Me the guy who only enjoys computer games where the main objective is to kill someone. The experience was very interesting. For one the host of the game was a real smart ass. Its something I can’t describe properly, all I can say is go and get it for your self. Go to www.youdontknowjack.com and find out what its all about. The only other thing I have to say is I can’t believe my good friends Ericka and Sergei screwed me like that.

    Views: 841
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