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  • Sunday June 7th 1998
    The Soapbox 3:00 am-
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    I’ve got to climb onto the soapbox once more. I have a few things I want to discus with whoever happens to read this page.

    It was just a few days ago I was telling Troy everything had been going to good at the hotel. My exact words were “I’m pissed because I have nothing to get pissed about. Some of my coworkers let know about some of the shit that’s been going on.

    First the funny one. One of the part-time ladies that works the desk who also is a teacher has decided that she is going to sue Sarah and Jenny who also work the desk. The reason you ask? Sarah and Jenny worked with one night and to their minds the teach was being unfriendly with them and the guests. So Sarah and Jenny decided to do what our Front desk Manager told us to do. That is to write it down so that he can address the problem.

    Well the teach goes through our FDM mailbox (something I do all the time). And reads these notes the girls wrote. And the Teach tells Sarah and Jenny that she’s suing them for defamation of character. So far I have not heard anything else about the Teachs case.

    Second we got one I’m kinda mad about. My buddy the FDM is not all that bad to me, so far. Now I really want a reason to not like the guy. But so far I have not found a good reason. I know some of my readers are going to think I’m kissing ass saying this. But it ain’t that.

    Jenny was telling me that one one of her days off she was called in. Ok what’s so bad about that you ask? Nothing wrong with getting extra hours you’ll say. Sure. When the reason your being called in isn’t some way for the FDM to get two days off in a row. Usually you come in on a day off when a co-worker is sick or something like that. Not because the Frontdesk Manager wants two fucking days off in a row. Pardon me, but to me thats just to fucking bad. He’s the FDM. Its his job to put in some hours at the hotel. I pause this rant to say I don’t have anything against the FDM personally, my problem stems from job related issues.

    This is a good time to mention sometime in this lovely month of June my six year anniversary come up at the hotel. I’m six years into my third tour of duty at the hotel. In my total time at the hotel I’ve seen alot of stuff. I’ve seen alot of staff come and go.

    I actually like the fact that Me this desk clerk with my fuck-you attitude has been here this long. I have seen GMs come and go. I have seen Food and Beverage directors come and go. Sales and Catering come and go. Frontdesk Managers come and go. I’ve lost count on all of the fucking Cooks and Executive Chefs come and go. You kinda getting the drift here?

    I have decided that these cock-sucking assholes are stuck with me. And they are not going to get rid of me. They will wish they did. Nope I want to see the present administration go out the door as I’m waving to them from behind the desk. With my Fuck-you attitude in full force.

    Views: 986
    Tuesday June 30th 1998
    My Place 3:00 am-
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    Well I have moved into my own house. I’m just a renter, nothing to complicated. This will be my first attempt at living alone. It will be a bachelor pad. No female influence what so ever. The only other time I didn’t either live with my parents or grandparents it was about a year with the Izers. This is my first post in a while. I did update the Working section with pics from Mark E’s wedding. So go check it out.

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    June 1998
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