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  • Saturday June 16th 2001
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    Well I have been playing with cgi and for a while. Now I’m futzing with java script. Up top (for what appears to only be users of IE) you will see a fancy menu thingie. I downloaded the script and have been messing around with it. As I said users of Internet Explore can see it and use. You folks who use Netscape are screwed. I can’t figure it out. Now you are not missing anything vital. It’s just a quick way to jump around to some of the pages that are buried deep. It’s just me experimenting.

    About the only other thing that causes the menu thingie up top trouble (other than the whole Netscape thing) is the damn monkey shocker banner ad. You know the one? Were you get to shock the shit out of the monkey and win money. Well it totally mess’s with it.

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    June 2001
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