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  • Tuesday March 3rd 1998
    Putz Promotion 3:00 am-
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    I’m back. I don’t feel any better. In fact I’m as pissed as ever. It seems nothing ever changes at the Hotel. I guess I’m an idiot for hoping, no wishing something would change. I’ve worked at that fucking Hotel for damn near six years now. But, sometimes I don’t think the people in charge know this. I went in to check when I go back in and found this nice memo. I guess congratulations are in order. Of course I (and I’m biased here) think its pretty fucking funny how this putz who’s been working there only a couple of months gets a promotion. But he’s shown great ability. Anyway click the small memo picture to see the big picture.

    Putz Promotion

    Views: 862
    Saturday March 7th 1998
    MOD Shit Canned 3:00 am-
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    When I came into work last night I found another interesting memo. My old buddy John , who had been night manager, was shit canned yesterday. I had been into work around two o’clock to pick up my check and no one had said anything. I stopped in Wednesday night after seeing a movie and talked to John then. He didn’t say anything about getting fired. So it seems that this was a kind of a spur of the moment thing. Its sad that this has to happen whatever the reason. John knew what he was doing, and in the hotel that’s always nice. He could work the desk, he could run the restaurant. He had been there longer than me. I’m Just about the only one left who remembers the “old days”. So it goes. Anyway I’ve got two copies of the memo. Click the thumbs to enlarge.

    MOD Shit Canned MOD Shit Canned

    Views: 1,110
    Wednesday March 11th 1998
    Re-Design 3:00 am-
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    Did a little re-design on the old website. I added frames and that’s about it. I updated the working section with a little bit on poor old Johnny. still haven’t heard from John on the whole fiasco. As usual at work there is a total news blackout on the whole subject. One of these days I would like to join all of my comrades like John in a life after the old HI.

    Views: 1,144
    Wednesday March 18th 1998
    Need To Smoke 3:00 am-
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    I’d kill for a cigarette right now. Don’t know what brought that on. I guess I’ve been thinking to much about work today. I was thinking how much I’ve started to really hate the fucking place as it is right now circa 1998. I know this might sound like a recurring theme here at this webpage. And you know what IT IS!!!! I would lose a lot of material for this hobby if I quit work. But I’m also putting a terrible toll on my soul staying at the hotel. I mean how much longer am I going to be able to take it? My pipe dream is to be out of the place by December 31 1999. This June it will be six years for this tour of duty. Well I can’t take it any more I’ll be right back I got to have a smoke.

    Views: 692
    I’m Psycho 3:00 am-
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    Ok I feel a little better. I had my smoke. Now I’m hungry. Before I go I have to say hi to a few people. First I want to thank Mark for finally taking a look at my humble webpage. I had to just about take him in hand and lead him here. Oh well That’s three viewers that I know about. I also would like to thank “Buster” for a raving quote. Which he said after viewing my webpage is this: “Your psycho.” It was a compliment.

    Views: 741
    Wednesday March 25th 1998
    This And That 3:00 am-
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    Just a few things this time around. I have a couple of things I have to say. First up is that I want to thank my viewing audience for putting up with my bullshit and I wanted to tell the both of you to get used to it. If anyone else checks out my psychopathic ramblings please e-mail me. The e-mail address is all the way at the bottom of the page.

    Views: 657
    Friday March 27th 1998
    My Birthday 3:00 am-
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    Well its my birthday and I fucked up all ready. You see I was supposed to eat diner with my family and I went out with my friends. My grandma is mad at me. My Oldman is probably pissed to. So here on the net I will say I’m sorry. I can be a selfish bastard sometimes. And this happened to be one of those times. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Anyway life goes on.

    Views: 819
    March 1998
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