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  • Tuesday January 27th 2015
    Dying Light Mods 11:36 pm-
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    Guess what I’m playing. Extract either of these into Users\YourName\Documents\DyingLight\out The first one adds guns and ammo to the quartermaster found in the beginning of the game. The second one removes the Film Grain and Noise effects.

    [drain file 109 show]

    [drain file 110 show]

    Views: 3,080
    Thursday October 21st 2010
    New Vegas Mod 10:33 pm-
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    [drain file 68 show]

    Views: 823
    Thursday July 23rd 2009
    D2MultiRes 10:01 pm-
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    Diablo II Multiple Resolution Patch. Awesome.

    D2MultiResGame 2009-07-23 21-52-05-45

    [drain file 57 show]

    Found it here.

    Views: 1,710
    Saturday May 31st 2008
    Conan Fatalities 11:16 am-
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    I’ve been meaning to capture a few of the Age of Conan fatalities in action and finally got around to it. These movies are much smaller than that gameplay movie I did.

    Click To Play Click To Play
    Click To Play

    There are a few others. For example I’ve seen my barbarian clobber a mob over and over with his hammer when pulling off a fatality. So I think it depends on the weapons equipped. Cool stuff.

    [drain file 53 show]

    [drain file 54 show]

    These videos uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,072
    Tuesday May 27th 2008
    Conan Gameplay Video 2:06 am-
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    Seeing screenshots of a game is one thing. It so better to see it in action. Here is just about 5 minutes of gameplay from the game Age of Conan. And it does not contain any emo fucking music in the background. I hate that bullshit with a passion. So what you hear in the video is what you hear when you play the game. At the time of the video was taken I was a level 25 barbarian.

    Click To Play
    Click To Play

    File info is below. You can right click and save the file if you don’t want it opening up in whatever it is you have videos opening in on your computer.

    [drain file 52 show]

    This video uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,266
    Sunday November 12th 2006
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 11:21 pm-
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    On a whim I picked up Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. A game by the same guys (Raven Software) who did X-Men Legends 1 and 2. Like the X-Men games it’s an action RPG. Between this game and NWN2 my CoV play time has stopped completely.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    This game is lot of fun. The second X-Men game lacked something. But Marvel: Ultimate Alliance just seems to hit it on the head in the fun department. No micromanagement of character stats. They even eliminated gear down to one piece of equipment per character and only bosses drop items. The focus here are powers and the fun you have using them.

    [drain file 1 show]

    The files above are what you need to enable the “next gen” only console characters Colossus and Moon Knight. I take no credit in making these. These two characters will only show up if you start a new game. I think it’s bullshit when stuff like this is held back just because it’s for the next generation of consoles.

    Views: 1,667
    Thursday September 7th 2006
    CoV Mayhem Video 9:06 pm-
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    I made a little video of the City of Villains Mayhem Mission I did earlier today. Did I mention I’m playing CoV again? Anyway the whole mayhem thing was introduced with the Issue 7 patch.

    CoV Mayhem Video
    Click To Play

    You get fifteen minutes at the start of the mission to do you dastardly deed. You can destroy cars and other items in the city to add to your timer. Resisting arrest also adds to the mission timer. It was a damn lot of fun and I’m looking forward to trying it again.

    [drain file 2 show]

    This video uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,407
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