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  • Wednesday December 5th 2007
    Star Trek Online 1:26 am-
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    I like mmorpg’s and Star Trek. So naturally I’ll regurgitate this info posted here. It is the first in game screenshot released for Star Trek Online.

    First In Game Star Trek Online Screenshot

    Not really much to go on. They go on about the interaction system. But really give no details that disprove the Shacknews article:

    Perpetual has been acquired by new ownership, reportedly a media company looking to use Star Trek Online to make its first major inroads into the video game market. Along with the acquisition comes a partial retargeting of Star Trek Online to what our source describes as a “more casual” experience, one which may potentially eschew subscription fees in favor of the practice of charging real money for optional in-game items, a practice popularized by various Korean MMOs.

    Dumbed down is the wave of the future.

    Views: 1,050
    Thursday December 20th 2007
    Wavatars Plugin 2:58 am-
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    For awhile now I’ve been using gravatar. It’s a site that lets you setup a universal avatar to be used in whatever supports it. I can leave a comment at some other blog and have my current avatar show up without me having to do a thing. Which is nice. I have all of my different game characters head shots setup as my gravatars. I use my character from Dark Age of Camelot for my current avatar:

    Turk’s Gravatar

    Even Gawain has one. He use Angela Lansbury (the subject of some sex fantasy?) for his gravatar:

    Gawain's Gravatar

    The downside of gravatars is when people don’t have one. It then defaults to a generic question mark image. Until I found this neat WordPress plugin called Wavatars. Wavatar generates a random image built of many different parts for anyone who doesn’t have a gravatar. It is based on the commentors email address and would be the same at any site that uses the default setup. Below are twenty randomly generated wavatars so you can get the idea what this plugin does:


    I don’t often talk about this kind of thing. But I like the idea of how this one works so I felt it was worth posting. Also the creator of the plugin has a pretty nice blog which can be found here.

    Views: 2,122
    Monday December 24th 2007
    X-Mas Eve 6:32 am-
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    Christmas Eve. The little kid in me is excited. Here is a little snow and controls to change the wind and stop it. After hitting stop the only way to start again is to refresh the page.

    Change Wind | Stop Snowing

    Needless to say I’ve been listening to the Bing Crosby Christmas Greatest Hits and I’m in the mood for the holidays. Simple question though. Why is Christmas pronounced Chris Miss? Why is it not pronounced Christ Mass? Anyone got an answer for that?

    Views: 940
    Tuesday December 25th 2007
    Merry Christmas 2:10 am-
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    Early morning here at work and I’m bored off my ass. I start to think about the phat lewt I’m going to get in the morning. Work is so dead. As it should on a day like this. I have a Tabula Rasa post I’m working on. I just don’t feel motivated to write stuff and I don’t think a post with just screenshots is very interesting at all.

    Home now. Merry Christmas for those people that celebrate this day whether it’s for Jesus or for presents.

    Views: 791
    December 2007
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