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  • Friday February 16th 2024
    Helldivers 2 4:40 pm-
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    Helldivers 2 is a fun game. That is when it works. It has a bad habit of crashing when you don’t want it to. Matchmaking is also a little borked as it is right now. The games Quickplay will often fail. Makes it hard to play an online only game like this.

    Image 1Image 2Image 3Image 4

    Despite those issues the game looks great and I’ve been trying to get some nice screenshots of this game. The combat is intense. This is the Starship Troopers game I never knew I wanted to play.

    Views: 3,461
    Tuesday January 27th 2015
    Dying Light Mods 11:36 pm-
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    Guess what I’m playing. Extract either of these into Users\YourName\Documents\DyingLight\out The first one adds guns and ammo to the quartermaster found in the beginning of the game. The second one removes the Film Grain and Noise effects.

    [drain file 109 show]

    [drain file 110 show]

    Views: 3,123
    Wednesday April 16th 2014
    New MMO 4:29 am-
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    So I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls Online. Something I said I wouldn’t do. I played the beta a few times when they offered it on the weekends. I didn’t care for it at that time. But I guess I’m so desperate for a new mmo that I bought this when I had money to blow. Here are some very boring shots of the Character select screen:

    Turk Level 17 Aricka Level 8 Yurk Level 7 Stabu Level 5 Hot Tits Level 5

    Overall it’s a kinda bland mmo. It has no soul really. It sometimes feels like a Elder Scrolls game with the way the quests are done. But then it blows it with the whole way the classes are handled. It’s not at all like the single player game. In the mmo each class is limited to what they can ultimaley can do. Sure they all have access to the same weapons and armor. That in it’s self is petty cools and very Elder Scrolls. But then each of the named classes Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade, and Templar all each have their own set of three class specific skill lines. So a Sorcerer can’t take skills from a Dragonknight. That right there is were it totally loses the Elder Scrolls feeling.

    Right now though it will do. Wildstar is comes out June 3rd. Which hopefully will be pretty fun. I mean I know it’s fun since I have played it in one of the betas. But I hope it’s become more fun since then. I know they just updated the ui recently. So it’s good to see changes happen this close to release.

    Views: 4,286
    Tuesday January 4th 2011
    iPod Touch Games 12:01 am-
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    So I got myself a new iPod Touch with my X-Mas money. It’s so awesome just having sound. The 4th gen is really something. You can go over here to see the Apple site describing the device. Below you can find some screens of Aralon and Rage HD.

    Aralon is Oblivion and Morrowind mushed down into an iPod Touch game.

    aralon-001 aralon-002 aralon-003 aralon-004

    Rage is a little game from id Software. You may have heard of id before. Rage is an on the rails shooter. Despite that it’s still fun.

    rage-001 rage-002

    I will add more as I remember. Here are some shots of Infinity Blade, a game one should have at the least to be able to show off what a iPod Touch Generation 4 can do.

    inf-blade-001.jpg inf-blade-006.jpg inf-blade-009.jpg inf-blade-014.jpg

    Views: 2,001
    Sunday May 16th 2010
    Hacked! 11:09 am-
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    So I closed my World of Warcraft account. Then yesterday my account was hacked. Look at my guy down below in his underwear.

    Both of my high level characters were stripped of all their gear. I’m guessing that the guild bank was emptied. I know they took all my gold. I wonder how this happened. I’m pretty good about securing my computers. I’ve never shared my password with anyone. Overall I’m not really worried about all this. I’m done with WoW for now. The next time I play again I’m sure I’ll have to work a little bit harder to outfit my characters. With any luck Blizzard will be able to recover my stuff.

    Views: 1,395
    Thursday April 8th 2010
    My Death Knight 12:51 am-
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    I used to have to install some roster php script just to be able to take a look at my characters offline. World of Warcraft now does all of that for you. Here is my Death Knight in all of his 3D rendered glory:

    You can click this link to see all kinds of details about him.

    Views: 879
    Saturday April 3rd 2010
    WoW Again 12:45 pm-
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    I’ve been playing WoW again for a few months now. Here is a quick video of me and my nephew Death Knight’s taking out an undead dragon.

    Click To Play
    Click To Play

    Dragon Kill (44.4 MiB, 159 hits)

    This videos uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,054
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